The latest chapter (ch 62) clearly shows how the ML tried to reach out to her, and the letters were stopped somehow. Sure, you can say he put some effort? But in that time I think it says a lot on how disappointing their romance is going.
To begin with, the FL is mentally an adult, who fell for a possibly mentally adult 9 year old- And it's just a theory since he himself said things came naturally to him like he experienced it before? But it's never clarified. I don't really understand where her love comes from

If you think about it, she just randomly "fell in love", sure they spent 1 year together, struggled due to the same person. She was afraid and he was someone by her side, but all I could see was a good build up for friendship at least for her. Since to her he was a 9 year old boy who needed someone by his side- While for the ML it makes sense, he was in love with her to begin with, the one who treated him well in moments of struggle as well as how much he yearns for her.
This leads to another thought of why she wants to keep holding on to this feeling.. "let me keep loving him" like HUH? I suppose that's alright- but 13 years???? Don't you think it's about time she moved on. And lastly, girl blushes whenever she receieves affection from Orsen, yet doesn't mean to even consider him? After around 10 years of knowing each other???
And lastly, the ML has no excuse, sure he missed her so much but it isn't an excuse to play another person's feelings.

So— Im stupid- can someone tell me who Catherine is again?? Like the King has 4 kids, but now of them were Legitamate right? So he will give his title to Rezef, and then our queen and then our half siblings that was really close, then we got another illegamate that was had a letter H on his name— and does letter H and this cutie have the same mom? Or am I just stupid ┗( T﹏T )┛

Catherine is the King's favored concubine. I think only Cayena is legitimate, that is, the King's child with the Queen. I think Rezef is the Queen's son from another guy (not sure iirc tho) that's why the King doesn't particularly like him, while Ethel is the Kibg's child with Catherine. On the other hand, Heinrinch isn't directly related to them. He's from a branch family and was only allowed to become another heir to the throne because he threatened the King about Catherine.
Man, I was really entertained actually. I love the author's concept of omegaverse, and how alpha x alpha would work. There was so much conflict between the two, but I actually really loved that— Like how the conflict built up to them realizing the opportunities missed, or how they learned to love the pain as long as it's with them. Not everyone may agree, but honestly well-written for me :DD