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Pankeki October 16, 2024 4:32 pm

Man, I was really entertained actually. I love the author's concept of omegaverse, and how alpha x alpha would work. There was so much conflict between the two, but I actually really loved that— Like how the conflict built up to them realizing the opportunities missed, or how they learned to love the pain as long as it's with them. Not everyone may agree, but honestly well-written for me :DD

Pankeki August 5, 2024 10:14 am

I love oneshots, but why is their oneshots more tormenting then satisfying... AGHHH I WANT MOREEEE *sobs in a corner*

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Discord gifts I made for the ppl i appreciate (tbc) 07-22 16:10
arts ig 08-14 18:33

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