2025-01-01 21:36 marked

*scene/emotion description*
*panel outside of Jiwon's building. Cloudy looking like it's about to rain*
*panel of phone in hand looking at the weather. Heavy rain expected in Seoul*
*panel of Jiwon at the hyeongwan (T/N: small area where you take off your shoes. The japanese call in Genkan) tying his shoe and noticing an umbrella*
*panel of him recalling DG forcefully giving him the umbrella after DG told him off and to not look for him again*
*panel of Jiwon staring out into space in the umbrella's direction*
Jiwon: "....."
*panel of umbrella*
*panel of Jiwon's eyes going into focus*
*panel of him lifting up the umbrella*
********BJ Alex Logo********
Ch 60
*panel of inside the cafe wide shot*
*panel of dishes being washed*
*panel of DG blank stare as he's washing dishes*
--I'm restless--
--I don't know what to do with my feelings for Sunbae--
*panel of when Jiwon yelled at DG after he interrupted the stream*
--The pain he gave me--
--his closed off heart--
*panel of him recalling when Jiwon asked if DG loved him and it's best if he did to look for other people*
--Can I come to love Sunbae again?--
*DG's worried face*
DG thinking: 'I can get hurt all over again...'
Chanwoo: DG two Americanos~
DG: Ah okay.
--What do I do now?--
--What was Sunbae thinking during that night...?--
DG: "Ah!"
Chanwoo: "Hm?"
DG: "The other day when I was sick, why did Sunbae end up coming over?"
"Did you ask him to go for you?"
"If so why..."
Chanwoo: *triggered* *serious face* "Nam donggyun..." (T/N: gasp he didn't call him dong dong/DG. Full name. he's in trouble XD LOL)
*Boiling mad. Triggered lol*
"Why don't you ask the person in question about that matter."
DG: "?!" "What?"
Chanwoo: "It's too embarrasing to say it in person. I don't want to"
*next panel him making a ruckus suddenly lol gag like as well*
"Damnit! From now on don't come to me complaining about love and such. Understand?!"
DG: *wtf* *confused* "W-Why not?!"
DG thinking: 'Why is chanwoo acting like that? What happened that day?'
*a few hours later*
Chanwoo: "Donggyun, I'm heading out first~"
DG: "okay. Get home safe"
*DG alone sweeping up*
DG: "it's still raining"
"I didn't bring an umbrella and there's no umbrella left in the bin"
"I'm going to have to run for it"
*Store bell from someone entering the cafe*
*DG turns around*
DG: "huh?"
*DG's eyes widen. slightly surprised*
DG: "Ah..."
*jiwon opening the door to the cafe preparing to enter*
Jiwon: "Can I come in for a minute?"
DG: "Ah...!" "Yeah..."
Jiwon: "here" *hands him the umbrella from before*
"I came to return the umbrella you lent me"
DG: *recalling that day* "Ah that day..."
Jiwon: "Today it began to rain so I came here to give it to you"
"I'll take my leave now" *turns around*
DG: *with umbrella in hand* *looking confused and worried* "....."
"Sunbae! Wait!"
Jiwon: *surprised*
DG: "I-....wanted to ask you something"
"That day I was sick, how come you came to my house instead of Chanwoo?"
Jiwon: "....!"
*panel of him adverting his eyes. Blushing*
Jiwon: "That..."
Chanwoo: "If you can admit how much you like Donggyun to me, if i can hear it, then i'll let you go to him."
"C'mon. I'm waiting" *sassy like*
Jiwon: *blushing* "....."
*panel of DG smiling*
*panel of Jiwon furrowing his brows and looking down in shame and pain*
Jiwon: "Nam donggyun has..."
*next panel*
"those ugly and big eyebrows,"
*chanwoo taken aback. wtf*
"and he has no idea how to dress, sometimes he looks like an idiot"
(T/N: LOL wtf chill bro lmaooo)
"if he wasn't my fan I wouldn't have even taken a second glance. He looks plain and ordinary"
Chanwoo: "w..t...f?" (T/N: basically. subtext)
Jiwon: "But now...."
*panel of chanwoo waiting in anticipation wondering what he's going to say next*
*Jiwon adverting his gaze to the floor. embarrased*
"Donggyun looks lovely"
"I don't know how it happened or when it started"
"I still want to see him. I wanted to be next to him"
"Because of my actions from before, you as Nam Donggyun's friend will probably hate me, but..."
Chanwoo: "...." *looking sort of at a lost for words just listening to his spiel*
"now my heart is true. Please believe me."
*impactful background for the next bubble ;)*
"I want to be with Nam Donggyun."
***Flashback end***
*panel of Jiwon finishing recalling*
*panel of sound of rain*
Jiwon: "...I was worried about you" (T/N: *flips table. Still stalling I see. -_- lol)
DG: "Yeah...?"
Jiwon: *stoic stare* "....."
DG: "Why..." *looking very confused. Sweatdrop*
Jiwon: "...." *closing his eyes prepping. blush*
*panel of Arthur fist/ Jiwon's clenched fist (T/N: LOL) he's nervous about to go for it*
Jiwon: "...Nam Donggyun" *takes a step closer*
*panel of just jiwon's mouth*
"I have been feeling sorry for a while"
*panel of DG confused and slightly taken aback*
*panel of Jiwon beginning to blush OD. Preparing to spill the beans* (T/N: *eats popcorn ferociously* *suspense*)
*places his hands on his shoulders* (T/N: probably for balance because he about to pass out with what he's about to say. Me too LOL)
*background full of light making it feel like they're the only two people in the world*
Jiwon: "I love you"
(T/N: CHEERS hooray finally! Development lol. don't worry not over just yet. almost but not yet XD)
*panel of DG's eye widening in shock and disbelief*
*rain sounds*
*panel of DG beginning to blush mad hard. confused but looks happy but still at a lost for words*
DG: "....."
*panel of Jiwon blushing still and glossy eyed looking at DG in awe*
*he's leaning in for a kiss*
DG: "!" *slightly startled. Jiwon still going for it*
Jiwon: *as he's leaning in for a kiss* "...If you don't like me you can turn away. You don't have to like me back"
*Panel of DG wrapping his arm around him bringing him closer*
*DG goes in and jumps into his arms and kisses him*
Jiwon: *surprised**shocked**mid kiss* "....!"
*he closes his eyes and starts to kiss him back*
*panel of rain*
*last panel of zoomed out wideshot view from outside the cafe of them embracing each other and kissing*
*explodes* last translation ever from exploding LOL jkjk
Finally!!! Something happened!!!! I hope this momentum continues. I also hope it doesn't end with them just getting together. I wanna see what happens afterwards like how their relationship is going to work out, what about the streams? partner streams? LOL nah.
But seriously, want to see the aftermath. I don't mind this series keeping on going after they get together. Lot to unwrap. from DG being treated like shit I hope DG is just in the moment and realizes that Jiwon needs to do more. Want a lot of unwrapping. They also can't end it with them just getting together and us wondering what's going to happen with the streams. It's called BJ Alex. It's all about the stream LOL
2019-01-19 22:13 marked
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