ohno's experience ( All 0 )

ohno's answer ( All 2 )

Oh no, something would go wrong...oh well   reply
27 10,2020
Yeah unfortunately, when I was 11 my God-sister had her but friends come over and we both stupidly had a crush on one of them. He didn't like my sister but he took a liking to me, I was young and stupid. He made me grope and kiss him while he did erotic things. I left before it got too serious but I regret it to this day. I never told you anyone bu......   1 reply
31 07,2020

ohno's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did have a phobia

peanut butter

19 minutes
did painting

Want to paint more, but I draw more often than paint

1 hours
did we are screwed

I have an important project submission tomorrow and I haven't started it yet (it's 12:12 am rn)..... I'm cooked, burnt even.

7 hours