Can someone help me? I'm looking for a bl. I can't remember much of it but there is a boy named ren with peach like colored hair in it. The other boy's name I can't remember but he had whiteish hair and black eyebrows. I remember that the second boy had a sister and I'm pretty sure she use to act spoiled. Does anyone know this book. It had alot of comedy too

So like last I so reading this bl but I kinda lost it...... yh so does anyone kn a soft yaoi with a peach pink hair boy named ren who was short and the other guy who was tall ┗( T﹏T )┛ ┗( T﹏T )┛ with like white hair and he had black eyebrows.... I think the white hair guy was a model and also he had a sister who was a bitch so yh ..... anyone kn it
Do you remember anything that happened in it. Because just character names isn’t enough
Is it complete or on going?
I remember that they just started high school and the peach haired boy was like really shy and that the whiteish haired boy was a model of some sort and when they got together that everyone was going crazy over them..... also for this late reply
When I was reading it at the time is was ongoing I'm not sure if its complete now doh...