I have a feeling that the seme's brother and the uke were in a relationship.

Also that line about how the victims family not even carrying on the investigation. I think he's doing all this so that they can reopen the case and he is keeping information to himself so that he can be apart of the case and keep pressuring the seme. also there was some comments about how the uke knows the house code, he could know it if he's visited the house before. the seme seems really attached to the house so there's a chance he didn't even change his passcode since his brothers death.

Why does Riftan like Maxi. I know its a weird question but don't you think its even weirder that he married her because of her father, then went straight to war and when he came back he was all over her even though he hardly knew her same way she didn't know him. TBH her reaction to him when he tried was more normal. Is there like a back story because I don't think he likes her just coz she's his wife.

there actually is a backstory! there's a spinoff of the main novel completely in Riftans POV and it goes into depth about his past and why he fell in love with Maxi, he knew her long before she knew him i'll tell you that. https://lightnovelheaven.com/series/riftans-pov-under-the-oak-tree/
im so happy she's makes funny faces as a human. shes so entertaining.