Recently all of these family troupes have been so underwhelming to watch. Where’s the angst? Where’s the tragedy? The plot goes straight into a loving family. I miss when they’d take their time to open up to their new family. I also wish it wouldn’t be a perfect new life for the MC where they’re the main character. Like Penelope in Death is the only ending. There character development was the best part of watching. I loved her plotting but seeing characters redeem themselves to the reader was thrilling.

How does everyone pronounce her name in your head. I say Le-tia. I really don’t know how to say her name.

Like others have already commented, I pronounce it the same as if it was spelled "Leticia" instead of "Letitia". Would love to write it using the international phonetic alphabet, unfortunately I'm not too confident on what symbol should represent the "sh" sound at the end (I always struggle differentiating them).
But the spellings of the pronounciation from the earlier replies are the correct ones, which would be le-ti-shia/luh-tish-uh.

To be fair homoculus or not, they thought/saw her as their younger sibling. What they did to MC was not right but no one can hate them for loving a younger sibling. The homoculus didn’t even know she was one and thought she was human and she was manipulated by everyone to be believe the darkness would kill her. They were both victims to the adults around them so were the 2 princes

Like I said sure that’s fine to think, I’m just personally giving her the benefit of the doubt because she was just a child herself, a stupid spoiled mean one, but regardless the priest made her think ash was gonna kill her so yeah if I was under the impression someone wanted to kill me and I was forced into a situation where I had to kill them first well what would a normal self preserving person do… just food for thought lol, I’m just saying the real villains in this situation are the priest and her family, the grown adults who should know better

smartest seme ive ever seen.

So basically the seme mentioned the real name of uke (uke and the son of the president switched names) and the uke was half asleep so he answered. The seme was smart enough to think. He called the ukes name (the son of the president's real name) and he didnt answer but finally when the seme mentioned the real name of the uke again he answered yes. In conclusion We love a smart seme
Young love