I hate kid . Yh they’re a kid fasho , in the wrong hands too and getting used fasho .
But from the spoilers , I have good reasons to .
Anybody that kills a cat for no reason should be burned at the stake .
The second couple sucks . But trash pair just fine .
So your whole team gets whipped out , you help/sex the one that helped wipe your team while you’re still having ptsd all nights ? Choosing him over the one you loved ? Ugh . Can y’all imagine that Reung Deungun doesn’t even know yet that his ex teammate that he so dearly want to see again is with the one that wiped out his whole team ?
Even the original couple sucks , from what I understand , the car accident that happens to the original human model Hak was weird & his brain was still functioning , so he was alive . The ceo baek used him to make more robots and to keep him “alive “ cause they a possessive shit .like how bout you let the man die and grieve him proper ? Maybe give his body back to his family ?? Orrrr he could transfer his brain into a robot body like they did with blondie but no .
It’s shotgun and I can’t bond with the characters .
I’d wanted this so bad but it’s disappointing, I’m out _