if i see griffith IRL, i will grind his teeth into dust. I will shoot his right side, keeping his left side awake, so he is conscious but cannot think, then i will slowly, rip out all his muscles, so he cant walk, cut his tongue, force him to eat rat droppings, and keep him alive for 50 years, and subject him to this everyday. FUCK YOU.
its really goood i dont understand the hate
I don't know if you will see this answer considering you've moved on from this comment from now but I'm pretty sure the manga was hated specifically during the time when Jagasaki was trying to be a good person. This was a problem in many eyes because Jagasaki at the beginning was established to not really wanting to be a good person and just wanted to act out his desires of killing people, which is why being jagaaaan was perfect for him. So when his character shifted when he was a working with mikazuchi and the others as the special police force, people didn't like it when he was trying to be a good person because it contradicted with what was established in the beginning. That and people weren't happy with the ending of the arc where two half-fractured humans hunted their bullies down and one bully that was the worst still lived. For anyone scrolling through here, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or to just summarize this long wall of text
Thank u for the answer! I still don't even understand why ppl hated it at that arc, it was still good. and the part about the bullies made sense they had to die bc they were fractured
Correction here, as for the arc where the worst person lived. I think that was the most fitting punishment tho, living while loosing everything you have built up. and as for the last part of the arc; We can see that after he woke up, he coughed up blood and said "poison?" so it was kinda an open ending and he might've died at the end and slowly at that
but still, I kinda get why the audience hated the inconsistency of the MC though. I think it is par of the plot since the MC was trying to go against his desire, He wasn't trying to be a good person but he was trying to explore himself and explore his desire which I think what made chiharu liked about jagasaki. anyways, that's only my opinion tho so correct me if I'm wrong in this
I'm gonna be honest here, I kinda disagree on the part where you said about the "worst person". I assume you mean the last bully that survived, in that case I disagree since Chiharu is the worst person to have lived. Pretty much he's scum and him helping jagasaki doesn't change anything. This is just a personal disagreement though :U
Hahhahaha! well, I also think that. He is a slave of his own desire after all. all the things he did has no justification and just for pursuing his own sense of "selfishness and interest" the fact that I hate him but still finds him cool, is what makes him a great villain.
Hahhahaha! well, I also think that. He is a slave of his own desire after all. all the things he did has no justification and just for pursuing his own sense of "selfishness and interest" the fact that I hate him but still finds him cool, is what makes him a great villain.
yeah i dont know what makes him better than any of the people he's supposedly supposed to eradicate, he has his own desires but I think the way he controls them makes him different ig