Going to comment on art solely but I'm in disbelief it's regarded as "bad"...the stylistic skill, it's high value art style a lot of artists take a while before their strokes get to a certain style. though I guess for manga it would be regarded as atypical but it really really isn't especially weird or atypical
Seriously this is not an exaggeration you'd have to know how to hold a pen and be in the art circles for a little while and the value of this style will really strike you, and the fact it winds up in what we know of yaoi genre it's exceptionally good
At least the Japanese knows her value. Her non-commercial works always fetch a hefty sum. Like DJs that can be as cheap as 2USD, but with hers can go for 50 USD to 250 USD.
I love her politician series and it makes me sad I'll never own her originals with how expensive they are like this (signed) illustration from Kuma to Interi:
My small review I copy pasted from what I wrote (it is not showing up in public comment bc I edited it)
Wouldn't categorize this as horror. hope, rejection and shame, though shame the most tangible and concrete here. I'm not grossed out by the visuals, it did accentuate the frail "unknown feeling/sensation" of reaching out for some kind of warmth and belonging. My heart was out for her.
Not an exceptional read but simple and I like it on the more "minimal" side, enough to be able to collect these sensations and feelings the child grew up with, which you can take from this read.
Last comment on the visuals/character design because I think it was perfect, it did not instigate repulsion and I don't think it could have been the intent either. Very vulnerable visuals, being abandoned, the panels where her life as a newborn extinguished, there is no horror "twist" or abnormal supernatural strength or unease, just a vulnerable life not equipped to deal with being discarded
I keep checking the page lol anyways I still don't understand if the translation is complete?
I still haven't bought it but here's if u want to buy in jpn https://www.cmoa.jp/title/37760/
And page for "松尾マアタ" author results
And OPERA issues
Can't get over how sweet and gentle this is. Had a listen (cd drama on blcd) so soft...