Lotto princess
i dunno why she has to be reincarnated as her sister who’s known to be beautiful like why not just her 2nd life self i doubt she’s plain thats the only thing iffy also her bangs are too long so whenever someone says shes pretty or looks like an angel im like “u can barely see her bangs” also honestly cant differentiate aiden from raciel they couldve made the latter darker skinned like his dad n brothers surprised of the timeskip but its ok but i didnt like aiden’s possessiveness…. it doesnt make sense to his character or maybe it just didnt speak much to me anw i dont really like that hes the ml would prefer others lol
The Perks of Being a Villain
There Is No Place for Fakes
ch 78
love that when she thought her dad is nvr gon love her she got both her dads’ love instead i honestly cried during the first parts bc i really felt her desperation and loneliness also dem sis nascar is an absolute prince i only wish for nothing for phil also love the dynamics she has w her brothers cadin has big bokuto vibes while i prefer that she has a stronger female companion as well it’s still nice that phil still has friends who actually likes her tho i miss her times w the countess huhu hope she visits soon
The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Cookie House
not interested in continuing
The Baby Raising a Devil
Why Do You Love Me When I Refuse Your Request?
god fucking awful translations past ch 36, gon wait for the rest
The Princess Doesn’t Want to Be Spoiled