If I were the MC, I wouldn't do anything. I wouldn't help, I wouldn't eat, and I would start walking in the general direction of the nearest town. Mr. Bossy Boi might not be interested in being a decent, open minded human being, but I'm sure there's plenty of people to convince in the nearest town.

Dude is over here acting like asking for shampoo and conditioner or picking beans out of rice is some huge deal. Just because you like it and it works for you, doesn't mean it works for everyone. Also, you're not even hearing the MC's side. Dude gives me the ick.

Also, the dad is a jack@ss. He was an absentee parent and now blames his kid for looking for love and affection in all the wrong ways?

I think the MC is being such a good sport right now, really.

How you gonna get angry and violent about two full grown adults having consensual sex that leads to an unplanned pregnancy?! Based on what? Being the dude's ex from 20+ years ago? Being his grown ass kid's baby daddy? What claim do you have on that omega to justify that anger?

Dude, it's like you didn't hit it and quit it when the omega was only 14/15 years old. On top of that, you refused to go against your family and put a ring on it when you knocked the kid up. You're the lowest of trash.

Nah, you got no leg to stand on pretending to be his alpha. I hope your ass gets sued. Especially since you were a deadbeat dad for over half of your own kid's life and this boy is over here doing his damndest to show up.

We all knows it's Jaehee's, but I bet that dumb alpha bout to think it's Yeowoon's bio dad's baby. Cause he's extra like that. And the Prof just gonna let him, cause he's messy.

C'mon dude, I get you don't wanna own up to sleeping with your kid's bf or (maybe) drag down Jaehee, but it's time to grow up. Stop playing with this boy's feelings. Especially not when Mr. Baby Alpha is ready to straight up put a ring on it. (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

LalalaIcanthearyou created a topic of Seeing Double

Saved myself ~20 chapters to arrive at a super disappointing end. The ML is a spoiled and selfish brat who is used to having things handed to him, and for him to not even put in the initial work, ugh... Then to throw a tantrum, cry, and butt his way in when his twin naturally developed feelings too? Dude, you blew your shot by deciding to sit on the sidelines, don't go being a brat and demanding things now. There's no ending for the brother that will justify this crap...

LalalaIcanthearyou created a topic of Flower

I finally understand the rage people feel at rushed endings. We don't even see the baby??? What is this insanity?

The MC's dad hid his second gender, so refused to acknowledge him as his son. From what we've seen, that resulted in a failure for the MC to have a normal childhood making friends or being loved for by a parent, and the dad is shocked when he ends up making bad decisions as an adult? Really?!?

Also, let's talk about how self-centered the whole exile is. Yeah, an obsessive ons made a scene, but it wasn't like he led the dude on. The other guy (blonde, in the car) was a FWB situation, so he didn't have the concurrent relationships his dad claimed.

LalalaIcanthearyou created a topic of Flip the script

I need spoilers like I need oxygen, please tell me if there is a novel for this story!!

My heart is breaking for the MC. He has *no one* in his corner, and he was just trying his best then just trying to survive.

LalalaIcanthearyou created a topic of Instant Family

He better not be about to ask Sejoon to use his connections to get him out of trouble OR to take the fall for him. I get being desperate, but there are limits...

I feel like we're going to find out the the top's family is whacko or there's some other legit reason for skirting the legal document.

I feel like there are parts of each chapter that are just... gone. Huge plot holes left and right.

ML's Bestie/Coworker: You gotta stop being so reckless, for your *son.*

ML: Maybe I should stop being reckless for *Baek Yeol,* but shouldn't I get rid of the bad guys to protect him instead?

Zero fox given about the kid, there. Man's got his priorities. xD

Not to say he isn't coming around and warming up to the kid. It's just intensely clear who is most important to him. In a fire, this man is grabbing Baek Yeol first and going back for the kid. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

LalalaIcanthearyou created a topic of Flip the script

Srsly, it begs the question of how long the elder brother has been pulling the strings. There's zero doubt that he intentionally told the younger brother not to worry about his studies. He was always threatened by his existence, for whatever reason.

Also, those dead eyes on a kid that young. Bros always been a little psychopath...

What this desperately needed was an extra chapter that showed their success in the future.

Like did they find their bio kid? Is Riku basically non-existent to them now, or do they still visit? These are the loose ends I need tied up in stories like this one.

This "history" lesson is great in understanding what happened between Brian and the two dragons, but I really freaking hope this isn't a lead in to "Brian" replacing Ian. At the end of the day, Ian is 1000000x more fun to read as a character and not nearly as frustrating.

But the "you *are* Brian" bulk from before the time jump just... it gets under my skin and feels like it's preparing us for Ian to essentially disappear as the dragons get "Brian" back.

I would so much rather it be a twist that he's a reincarnation, but not like the rest. That Brian and Ian are two very different entities, even if Ian has access to Brian's memories. For example, he has access, but it's like it happened to another person, not him. So Brian remains Brian and stays in the past, and Ian gets to live on as Ian- without competing for space with a memory.

First of all, FINALLY!!!!

Secondly, what is with the weirdly disproportionate head for Doyoon every handful of panels? Am I just imagining it, or does it look kinda weird to anyone else? I've only been seeing it in the last couple chapters.

LalalaIcanthearyou created a topic of Jinx

First of all... POTATO!!!! Finally pulling through with the truth! And that slap!! Yes!!

I think Dan's gma passed and he's left the gym, went awol, or is currently mid-funeral or move out. Nothing good, because good things don't find Dan.

My best guess is that the brother was obsessed with Won. Think back to the crazed look on his face when he was choking the dude while DTD when the MC caught him before moving out.

The uke is gorgeous, and the brother obv tried hard to befriend him, even when he was being rejected. The uke was also very obv not happy with the touchiness from the brother. I think the brother became obsessed, and then the uke ended up with feelings for Jinha. So, he secluded the uke away from everyone, therefore losing contact with his friends.

When the uke & Jinha ended up meeting/being suspected/actually doing something, the brother beat the shit out of Jinha or designed an accident, hence the hospital accident. Then the uke finally decided to leave, he punished him by unaliving himself.

So, the uke is being honest, but he's controlling and likes rough play bc he's been abused mentally/emotionally, etc. for so long. Monkey see, monkey do. It's also why he tolerated the abusive behavior from Jinha and the reciprocity, and is afraid of being alone.

((Or the uke is crazy, orchestrated the accident for Jinha, and is now using him as a replacement. Doesn't fit nearly as well as the first option, though))

Run! Take that kid and run as far as you can!! Marry the other alpha. Anything other than this abusive POS.

LalalaIcanthearyou created a topic of Jinx

Even if J manages to pull a win out of this, he's gonna be f'ed up for a while. Regardless, he has a singular human punching bag to unload all of that rage onto, and regardless of reasoning, he's going to blame Dan bc the other team designed it that way.

I want J to win bc somehow I hate the baldy more, but also bc I know whatever grape or beating is coming for Dan won't be quite as bad. Oh, and has anyone else noticed the lack of pre-game "jinx" bouts? They're preparing us for something, and I dunlike.it.