I have a hypothesis that the MC is an unpresented omega, which would make sense given his parents being alpha/omega. What I mean is that he is genetically omega, but never went through the second gender puberty (aka presenting). I think ML found out either during their childhood, through testing his DNA, or snooping into his medical records, and now he's gungho to force the presentation.
So, I think it will work. BUT!! I don't think it will go as well as he planned. First, the MC wasn't originally bottom-leaning, and it will be a huge shock to his mental state to become an omega. He will probably feel betrayed by ML for quite a while. Second, the second ML is prolly gonna pop back into the picture once pheromones are in play, and they'll either have a close or direct sexual encounter.
Since the MC is already weak for the ML and this story is a touch cliche, he'll end up choosing the ML in the end. I think some dark shizz will hit that fan first that outs a lot of the ML's backstory, which will gain the MC's sympathy. Then they'll have a baby together. (That last sentence is just my hopeful thinking ♪~(´ε` ) )
Ooooor..... the MC presents before the meds can be applied and he's already knocked up. Choices.
(There's always the chance it doesn't work and MC stays beta, but that doesn't have the same story appeal, I guess? It'll take a much more psychological route than has been hinted at so far in the story.)
Didn't he buy that apartment by selling his own stuff? Am I making that up? I swear he sold some of his watches and other expensive stuff.
Honestly, at this point I might just mixing up manhua.
ʕ´• ᴥ•`ʔ
i remember him doing that too !! lmaoo maybe the author forgot
I wonder if his mom just assumed he used his father's money, and maybe her tune will change a bit when she finds out he didn't? It also feels like it's setting the scene for him to tell his parents about his relationship, for better or worse.
Side note:
There's also the cameo of the toxic ex right at the end? Ugh, I get a horrible feeling the ex will be at the internship, and we're headed into another drama spiral already.
Oh, and I am so proud of MC for keeping his cool and not blaming ML for what that girl said. ( ◜‿◝ )♡
No you're right! He did sell bunch of his stuff just to get that apartment including his watch. maybe it wasn' enough And he had to get some money from his dad too? I super hope he told his dad about his new boyfriend and the dad decided to give them the money because he supports them (⌒▽⌒)
Kkkk set on the note lol. You got prophetic abilities
he works at the coffee shop in Garam’ internship place and is trying to get Garam back by being friends again and still have potential feelings for him cuz he had a stand off with J. But ex is really really annoying!!
he did but he also said he dipped into some savings and I assume they were savings he wasn't supposed to touch or was supposed to be strictly for emergencies or something