Booboobaa add 1 photos to poetic narratives

what the- haha! someone's cutting some onions, maybe. haha! i'm not crying *sniff*

Booboobaa add 1 photos to hits hard

wow, he's so brave.

this is painful to read.

well, we get most pains w/ the person we feel deeply.

he's the villain of his own. stupid. -_-

what-??!! Kouki, you shouldn't- that's awful...

Booboobaa add 1 photos to hits hard

something about quiet and loneliness

Booboobaa add 1 photos to poetic narratives

dear author, I hate you...for all these wonderful words. I don't know if I can ever get over you T_T

Booboobaa add 1 photos to poetic narratives

what the- give me a break!!! hahahaha all i've been saying are praises, to think it was w/ In Suh.

Booboobaa add 1 photos to poetic narratives

what the- no exchanges of words but still poetic.

Booboobaa add 1 photos to hits hard

All these talks with In Suh will be turning point of the story, i guess, coz this kept Ham's at bay.

Booboobaa add 1 photos to hits hard

In Suh is oozing so much maturity.

Booboobaa add 1 photos to hits hard

he's coming so vivid... i can see him clearly.

Booboobaa add 1 photos to hits hard

a fan is really better off a fan, a lover yes, but never a rival.

Booboobaa add 1 photos to poetic narratives

it's like he's drowning in his own surrow, own pains... own thoughts. This author is soo deep.

Booboobaa add 1 photos to poetic narratives

what the- my goodness, how can this author be this effin' good in wordings? Ham's thoughts so deep.

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that "am i you" XD