Booboobaa add 1 photos to hits hard

what the heck, goash, i wanna leave i'm not used w/ this mature conversation XD

Booboobaa add 1 photos to hits hard

wow, this is so mature. wow, i never thought this story could give such mature characters.

Booboobaa add 1 photos to hits hard

so he does realize, huh. i like his narratives here. so poetic.

oh my goodness, chan's so cute i can accept In Suh's existence this way XD

same, man, same reaction. now i am thinking how dare i tag you as j***k, might be too early :P

can't tell now who's high maintenance. this big baby bear or the princess from the city??

you're breaking someone's life, what are you saying you're filled with??

what the, heck you!!! In Suh!!!!

in suh must have a reason bubt...chan is...

he's looking forward for this munch happy yet T_T

ladies and gen's, ham's lover, chan's rival XD

hahahaha man, chan is so presious. i might had a trauma if he gets hurt laet on...

well i didn't there's that too but makes sense. can use that :P

and that's how his first love break... but still cting cute XD

this big baby bear is indeed in love. everytime he talks about aches in heart, my heart does too~ :P

talking out his symptoms to the person giving it to him... heck, chan is so cute~

This is beautiful...their love is.

Booboobaa add 1 photos to a ray of life.

with just a smile?? i can imagine... >.<