Oh my god it's such an angsty road up ahead, BUT things do work out between them and it gets super sweet and adorable BUT before that, justice is served: the current asshole of a ml does end up getting back the pain that he put Peony through (emotionally ofcs & its ac quite heartbreaking, but Peony still suffered quite a bit more) So I'm satisfied ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I'll be leaving the link to the spoilers below~

Definitely. I stg the male leads are always the ones that treat the fls like absolute shit and then end up falling in love with them after putting them through such emotional torture, and then have the audacity to expect the fl to drop everything n love them back without hesitation. These types of tropes get me so bad, a relationship's supposed to be a 2 way road fgs.
The double standard is just ugh.

I'm absolutely LOVING this, after so long I've finally found such a gem; the fl is just..flawless and I'm assuming the huge puppy-eyed guy is the ml n hes just so precious (is anyone else getting Nine vibes from him?) ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
Reading Manhua like these just make me feel so damn energised!! IM SIMPING OVER THE CHARACTERS SO BAD AND THE STORYS BARELY STARTED!!! (☆▽☆)
The ml (who the countess gets together with)
Worry not, it's not the king but his twin brother with green eyes. He's quite the sweetheart apparently.
Also, from the spoilers I've read, the king's quite a twisted, despicable character if it isn't already obvious from Charlotte's discomfort around him.
I think the ML’s the younger brother, not the twin of the king, but yeah you’re right
Half brother. Awful hard to be a twin when the older one was conceived months earlier with a different father.
Right sorry, my bad ( ̄∇ ̄")