Am i the only one who can't (key word: CAN'T) ship the main couple? Their chemistry is so half-baked and rushed and the "sister" thing has to be DROPPED. It's weird af. Anyway, the art is good, but the relationship-building and the way the characters interact with each other feels so unconvincing. The story was fine until the FL and her dad found out they are actually related. It went downhill after that.
lmfao this is gonna backtrack on the bitch so hard aaaa im so excited when yanfeng's turn to grovel for niannian comes. gosh i hope it lasts a hundred more chapters seeing him suffer cus fvck him
still coming back here cus this never gets stale. love every bits of this manhwa. simple, but not boring. predictable, but not disappointing. love this a lot.
Am i the only one who can't (key word: CAN'T) ship the main couple? Their chemistry is so half-baked and rushed and the "sister" thing has to be DROPPED. It's weird af. Anyway, the art is good, but the relationship-building and the way the characters interact with each other feels so unconvincing. The story was fine until the FL and her dad found out they are actually related. It went downhill after that.
I was hoping that that they would really have a "JUST BROTHER AND SISTER" relationship
In the official translation he never called her sister its just the translation here is mess up