Yup, that’s a great life lessons over there
oh man.. 59 chapters are not enough.. I need moree
I bet this is cute.. should I read now or marinate this for a little longer?
The only answer
Fr lmao
read now and suffer together with us waiting for the updates
I’m confused.. are they already dating or what?
It's a chapter placed in the "future" (where hetian already left Mo to study abroad and has come back to make him is boyfriend again fufufu)It's like those special Christmas chapters that the autor normally do
I see.. thanks
you saw them kissing. okay so what? hello? mind your own business lady
End? That’s it? Noooooo I want at least a hundred chapters more
No one wants to talk about the bite marks on Cheong Ho? Lmao
I notice that too
Spoilers in the comments are insane
I stopped reading at chapter 290.. should I read or continue marinating this manhwa? cause u know, cliffhanger..
Just read it (●'◡'●)ノ
Let it marinate for 2 more chapters. Shut just got serious
thanks for the heads up
Last update was three years ago.. almost four years now.. so no news about new chapter at all? so sad
Yup, that’s a great life lessons over there