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Prof.Buttmunch May 2, 2021 12:37 am

This is just so ajdhqhhq
I wanna pull these types of men but I get twinks

Prof.Buttmunch April 11, 2021 9:26 pm

It was all fine in the beginning well depending on where you stand w fl but ANYWAYS
There were ends that weren’t tied up and it just leaves you unsatisfied.
The only “couple” story you can get satisfied w is the yuri one cuz it’s a side story on here.
But you don’t know if her and hyesol (sorry if I got his name wrong) end up a couple or not they just satisfied w what they have for now and that she’s trying to change herself for the better.
Then you don’t know what really ends up w Minho besides that he’s probs gonna get fucked up w that one guy cuz he wants money in which he probs ain’t gonna get all of it tbh cuz he doesn’t wanna let Minho out of his hands tbh.
You could tell the author lost interest in this and it’s sad. Hopefully if they decide to write another that they themselves enjoy it cuz then otherwise it’s gonna be half baked like this came out.

Also :^( don’t translate stuff you don’t like. Someone else will do it if you won’t. You don’t have to ruin it for everyone else.

Prof.Buttmunch's questions ( All 2 )

Prof.Buttmunch May 11, 2021 5:34 am

I’m soooo lazy but I rlly wanna create some manga for stuff I cant find as much of like grrr
Ya know some of the spicy stuff

Prof.Buttmunch May 10, 2021 10:40 am

Check out thier English twit rn yall

    BomHae May 10, 2021 10:44 am

    link please

    ninanana May 10, 2021 10:46 am

    Lol their tweets seems like they've read the discussion posted here

    Prof.Buttmunch May 10, 2021 10:52 am
    Lol their tweets seems like they've read the discussion posted here ninanana

    Someone quote retweeted it saying mangago in specific so

    BomHae May 10, 2021 11:10 am
    Someone quote retweeted it saying mangago in specific so Prof.Buttmunch

    we have other different site to go if this will cause aa shutdown, but I will mist this site

    ninanana May 10, 2021 11:12 am
    Someone quote retweeted it saying mangago in specific so Prof.Buttmunch

    These people really do be fanning the flames I wonder what satisfaction they get from it

    NZIGHT May 10, 2021 11:38 am

    Yup I checked don't know wht to feel

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It's 3 am and I'm high so 05-25 01:23
Me and Who? 05-03 04:31
Anybody want to make friends w a stupid person 05-02 00:18
Ending was rushed 04-12 06:18

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