Yes!!! Omg and what’s worst I always read at night so my neighbors can hear my loud ass laughing my lungs out they May think I’m crazy or something captain-fujoshi
Same my mom wakas upo and I pretend not to be awake and end up sleeping hahahahahah
I mean l feel true anger and hate towards the fucking boss and then you come strong with the memes and I laugh like an idiot for minutes Stop messing with me Ok don’t ~ I live for those memes at the end they’re the best palette cleanser
They are those annoying bitches that magically appear at Starbucks when you’re in a hurry but it takes a long time for them to order stuff cuz they be adding a fuck ton of stuff to their drink
The fucking memes get me every time
Its actually kinda fun to see the memes
I’m grateful for them, I need a good laugh to put up with life
So it’s a good thing they add those
I know Right?
Yes!!! Omg and what’s worst I always read at night so my neighbors can hear my loud ass laughing my lungs out they May think I’m crazy or something
Same my mom wakas upo and I pretend not to be awake and end up sleeping hahahahahah