Does anyone here have an a ps4?
Do you know if I can still buy and play a game that is not in the playstation store in my contry?
Please help me, I'm a grandma lmao
Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but:
-If it's digital and from another region you need to make another PSN account to access the PSN store and buy it.
-If it's physical it will work on your console just fine. No other accounts needed. But if you want to buy and use DLC I think you would need to make another PSN account.
The fucking memes get me every time
Its actually kinda fun to see the memes
I’m grateful for them, I need a good laugh to put up with life
So it’s a good thing they add those
I know Right?
Yes!!! Omg and what’s worst I always read at night so my neighbors can hear my loud ass laughing my lungs out they May think I’m crazy or something
Same my mom wakas upo and I pretend not to be awake and end up sleeping hahahahahah