Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
uhhh let it marinate.
In other news, the original Japanese title is kinda punny as mentioned in the first chapter MC has SOBAkasu (freckles) and the og title sounds like a pun on that cause it says "Anata no Osoba ni." Osoba generally means next to/beside, but the the Japanese Osoba written in the title is in katakana おソバ if they wanted to get creative with the title an alternative translation could be "Freckles beside you" or "To be your Freckles" Heads up, these are just my own interpretations they aren't accurate.
Thought this was cute and used it as a distraction from the roller coaster first chapter lul.
I'm biting my nails in anticipation for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!