Love y'all acting all and mighty, preaching shit here, as if re-uploads getting notifications isnt a goddamn pain in the ass. Its a problem with the site, and they could fix it. Ppl are in their right to complain, and f* off with the "dont be ungrateful" nonsense. Us being here gives tem revenue from the ads and whatever else. Market logic still aplies, so if they wont address the problem, we'll just go somewhere else. Plenty of other options.
Girl sit tf down. My goodness some of you infuriate me. Complain all you want. Idgaf and I don't think anyone else does too
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍.
Quick side note: If you want to go, LEAVE!! No one in their right mind is begging you to stay. Like you said you have options(⌒▽⌒).
If you would much rather go read on a site shoving ads down your throat and not being properly uploaded be my guest. Hope this helps xoxo
I really wish manga.go had an option to turn off notifications for manga updates that are NOT new chapters, just re-updloadings of old ones with better or different translators, double updloadings....
Its really frustating. I love this site and have trouble switching to others, which i've tried when the commentary sections were deactivated.
Does anyone know if there's a way to turn that off and im just too dumb to find it?
Thank you
I could NOT give less of a fuck to this shitbag backstory. He's a cheating piece of garbage, END OF STORY.
I swear, if i have to sit through ONE more entire chapter focused on this dickhead i'll eat my own fingers
Literally ! Like I’m trying to see this fucker get the absolute shit beat out of him !