1. guy is obsessed with butts.and he gets horney and the friend lets him like him. then there was a flash back when they were kids and i think the friend hurt his foot and took off his pants anfd the other guy saw his bottom then yyou know was obsessed ig.
2.i forgot but ill comment id i remember lol

yuri on ice shota.


but it's in japanese ( ̄へ ̄)

my doctor just told me earlier today that i have cancer.he said im lucky to survive the next 3 years.looking at my sisters crying face made me relize that i really want a future.im not afraid to die but i did make plans.plans to go to colledge become a teacher,to get surgery and become a male,to adopt and buy a house.now i know i cant do that.
i have tumors in my right breast.small one in the back of my head that im going to surrgury for and in my stomach.im really gonna miss yaoi anime and mangas.i never thought this would happen to someone like me.i guess im lucky to have time.more then some children my age.

I wish you all of the best from the bottom of my heart... Good luck with everything, and you have my good wishes. Here are some of my favorites:

Because I'm an asshole, I find this hard to believe.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Reasons why:
1. This is the Internet.
2. Cancer is a serious thing and I find lots of people using it to become popular through receiving pity.
I'm sorry. But if you really are suffering, I hope that you recover and become healthier than ever before and live a long life till you turn 150 (now, that's a long time). And also, as always, I hope you read the most Yaoi you ever wanted.

I'm so sorry to hear that :( you are such a brave, strong, beautiful person and I wish for all the good things in the world for you :)

im doing a book report and since i just got here the teacher is letting me pic the book so i picked Darling http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/darling/

I don't think that's a good idea?

omg no!

Even putting the yaoi thing aside, if he told you to do a BOOK report, I would not risk doing your report on a manga. If you CAN (ask him first) and you really want BL, do a shounen ai or something that doesn't revolve around sex. Sex is a huge part of the plot in "Darling" and you'd have to write a LOT about it, and I don't think that is something that you want to communicate with your teacher.
If you want a good BL book I recommend "Openly Straight" by Bill Conigsberg. It's funny, romantic, enthralling and heartbreaking. I'm still on the edge of my seat waiting for the sequel that's coming out at the end of March.

*Bill Konigsberg
Dang autocorrect. Seriously, though. First impressions are important, and this is not a good way to start a professional relationship. If you were really close to the teacher then maybe I'd be more lenient, but as this is someone you've only recently met then I seriously urge you to reconsider.

That's a bad idea... I know you love yaoi and all, but there's a possibility that you have to do a presentation in front of all class, and picking that book would only resulted in social suicide.
Please pick another book that is more academic. If you want something more BL-ish, I'd recommend The Song of Achilles—it's based from Homer's Illiad, which has a historical and mythological roots.

You want to write a report on a yaoi manga without talking about sex? That's... ambitious (⊙…⊙ )

Idk how you managed to write a report, then. I hope you didn't have to give the title because teachers tend to do research on books that are mentioned in the report. I just wouldn't have done it if I were you. Might make for an awkward relationship with your teacher because if you gave him the title then he 100% knows what "Darling" is about.

iv been very depressed resently and i just wrote a suiced not for my fam. but then i went on here and read a cute yaoi and my depression kinda flew south.its not gone forever i know that but it does help.(i understand if you disliked )

Awe, don't give up! Think about those who will cry for you. And think about the Yaoi you'll never live to read! I used to often contemplate with suicide, but gave up on realizing that I was too young to die. I need my life to read Yaoi~

What about the future beautiful Yaoi?! Don't forget about that! Live till you're a hundred and read to your heart's contents! Forget about the shit idea of suicide!

Do some self searching. Ask yourself why you feel so sad. That's what I did when I was young, realized I didn't really have a good, rational reason (other than the normal childhood woes of crap adults and siblings and being too different from those around me, which is still the case twenty years later) and I got over it. I still get depressed sometimes, but so does everyone.
You should look into Buddhism, too. It's helped a lot of people become happier in life. Nothing stays the same, not even us. You may be sad now, but you won't be forever.


I completely agree with Miwa, you're still young and self reflecting can do a lot

This is only SnapChat so, add me and I will talk to you if you want. I think just talking to someone and distracting yourself is a start. @m.arher

A lot of depression is chemical. A psychologist, even if you don't want to talk to them, would be good to give you something to fix that part of it. (Note: these should be lawfully given to you, like prozac or lexapro, self-medicating with street drugs can make depression even worse, not that I particularly think that you specifically would do that, but just in case.)

Depression isn't something you just get over unless your situation is really unique; medication is a really good idea if you don't like therapy. A lot of depression is chemical. A psychologist, even if you don't want to talk to them, would be good to give you something to fix that part of it. (Note: these should be lawfully given to you, like prozac or lexapro, self-medicating with street drugs can make depression even worse, not that I particularly think that you specifically would do that, but just in case.)

lol. when i was depressed and suicidal i used to think of those thoughts. If i die will my soul be able to move on if don't watch/read bl mangas/animes i've been anticipating all this time??
and same as you Haley-chan i've done all those things too...
i THINK (its just my guess but) what you're feeling right now are just symptoms leading to depression.. i know you don't want to talk to anyone especially a psychiatrist/psychologist but you should talk to someone VERY close to you(a sibling/a bestfriend/anyone you'd be comfortable to talk to). Don't be afraid to share to them you're problems they won't judge you believe me, i've been through this... i hope you get through this. let's live by anticipating all the beautiful yaoi mangas for the upcoming years..

surround yourself with bright colors and citrus esecial oils it really does work i do it for my daughter who is clinically depressed
also surround yourself with cheery poeple if you stay within a clique of depressed people it will only keep you down emotionally
just gonna say bye cuz i cant do this anymore.i love yaoi but i just dont care anymore. i dont care if people get sad if i die i dont care if theres tons of yaois or animes i dont get to watch.i hate life i hate everyone i meet.there is literaly no fucking reason to live.so bye.and btw to those assholes out there.im not doing this cuz you mad me fucking sad im doing this cuz i hate life and im posting this cuz mangago is m best friend and i think he/she should know.dont even bothering comment becuz im not getting back on unless theres wifi in hell
Don't go
Au revoir, Shoshanna!
That's not funny
what dose that mean?
Its from a famous person of a movie ;)
but why ? isnt haleyshan saying somethis seriouse?or people on here kill themselfs often??im confused
Au revoir means "goodbye" in french. He/She is basically making fun of Haley, and, no, suicide is serious and this is not common
Not to be mean here, but this looks like a cry for attention, and there are some on this site who have posted fake drama to gain responses. This could be one of them.
aw thats mean.what if she really did die.i wanna punch someone now
maybe theres a reason shes might cry for attention? but still if she does kill herself i would feel kida bad becuz of the mean responses
Suicide it's just an excuse to run away from ones problems. I don't have any sympathy for those who decide to do it. You have people who care about you but your just to stupid to realize. Just like Amanda Todd, idiots who take their life for stupid shit. So Goodbye Ma'am and Good Riddance
Everyone has their own issues and you never know when a person is in actual serious need for some support. It is never right to make fun of or treat someone that might be going through real difficult shit badly. If you have nothing to say, it's better to not say anything at all. No need to go making a person feel worse than they already need specially when it might be a kid.
my grandfather died because of suiced . deppression is a disorder that some people cant help.its not them being stupid.to me life and death are just little things
You say things that reflect that you are against suicide yet then you say other things that are likely to lead someone to suicide. So you're against suicide yet promoting suicide?
What did I say that was so offensive? Perhaps you are too quick at making judgement calls, so maybe don't poke your nose in? Every single person has some issues, but this person is posting angst weekly, including the fact that her 10 year old sister was raped, got pregnant and had the baby ... at some point these stories stretch belief.
I agree. One of my close friends suffers from depression and it's so hard on her. Some people don't really understand it and think that depression is just feeling sad, but it's something that easily ruins lives.
Seriously don't, I'm not sure if you will ever see this but we can be the people you talk to. Instead of killing yourself talk to us about it, we might not be able to solve it but we can at least be there for you.
some people have fucked up lives.the crazier they are the harder.maybe im a worried citizen. i mean if i new a 14 year old that was gonna kill herself i would be concerned.maybe next week ill check in and see if she post something.by the looks of it she posts frequently.if she stops shes probly 6 feet under in yaoi hell.but who am i to judge(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Well THATS what you call an attention whore
bye the hate she gets on like almost all her post i dont think she wants to talk about anything anymore
Ok, lets talk Haley-chan. I remember when i first saw your name on mangago question board couple of weeks ago i thought "what a pretty name" and im sure that you're a great person. And I'm sure you didn't post this as a mean of attention seeking behaviour but as a cry of help. You trust mangago users and truat me when i say we care about you too. If you wanr to talk about your problems, you can email me at [email protected]
However, i know for a fact I'll be checking everyday to see your name here.
To everyone else: shame on you! She clearly told you this because she thinks she can trust you. You don't have a right to make fun of her or add to her agony.
Check her page (click her name and look at her posts) she has been getting lots of positive support, before you go making assumptions that she is getting hated. And her stories have been going on for a couple of months, which is probably why there is a little annoyance now.
I wasn't offended and I fully understand that this world has many attention seekers. However, you never know when someone might truly be going through a delicate situation that they just want to share to feel some comfort. If you think someone is just looking for attention then why not move on and let them be. No one is pushing to encourage or comfort anyone. That being said, there is no need to make lightly out of something that might in truth be serious. For example, if someone is feeling bad then you don't go ahead and tell them that they're fine and nothing's wrong. They might be actually fine, but they could also not be fine. You can't feel their pain so you can't really know. As for her life, everything is possible in this world and a lot of people have very unfortunate lives. You can argue that perhaps her life situation is not real but in the same way you can argue that it is real. Again, we are not her and we don't personally know her so there is no point in speculating. If you don't believe someone is going through painful things then it's best to walk away and say nothing.
I know the reference, it's from 'Inglorious Bastards'
That's terrible.
It's a good movie.
Yeah its amazing, Hans Landa was the best character even till the funny ending XD
Ugh she is the same one who said her 10 yr sister was raped and pregnant and now had a baby ????
Yes she is. And she's also the one who has cancer and only has 3 or less years to live... Based on my memory. But sometimes my memory lies so I'm not sure.
Haley Chan I didn't know you had so many problems the first time I read your comment was when you were talking about your sister I didn't know it was you before. committing suicide you should seek help from others don't know how old are you but trust me if you survive now and when you will look back you will be happy that you didn't take that step if you don't have friends talk to your parents they may not understand first but parents love Their children no matter what they will help you .And if you are no comfortable enough .There are many sites that can help you and you can also take medical help I had a senior who committed suicide because of depression and there parents are like a dead shell now it not only destroy you but the people around you and if there is any chance you are doing any kind of publicity stunt or something you should stop now .Bacause it's not fun not to those who really deal with these things
Owww yeah I just read her profile she most likely to talk about herself here .( ̄∇ ̄")
I agree. That character was terrible but awesome!
Two to the one from the one to the three
I like good p*ssy and I like good tree
Smoke so much weed you wouldn't believe
And I get more ass than a toilet seat
Lol Eminem
First, you were diagnosed with cancer. Next, you're a transgender that was outed by your sister. Now you're committing suicide? Please. Grow up. If you want attention, stop posting shit like this and making all the other idiots go and defend your pathetic ass faking suicide. Suicide is not a laughing matter but neither is it a good reason to call out attention. You know what, I bet tomorrow you'll be posting some other shit about your "miserable" life and hopefully, by then, nobody will fall for it.
Or she will made a new account and pretend to be the sister and write some crazy stuff. Everything is possible by this person ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
It's sad what attention-seeking whores would do just for someone to give them the time of day. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
If you guys think she's attention seeking why don't you just ignore the post? Isn't the best counteractive method to someone seeking attention, not giving them attention( ̄へ ̄)
Christ what is wrong with you people? Do you have no feelings on right and wrong or ethics? Is this girl most likely faking it? Yes. Rape + transgender + cancer + bullying + insecurity + serious family issues makes it very hard to believe but who the hell are you to decide? I wanna see which one of you will be laughing or making jokes if this girl was dead in front of you. If you believe this is all one big annoying show for attention THEN SKIP OVER IT AND DON'T COMMENT. I mean really? She makes at the very least a cry for attention by putting this up online and you guys actually say stuff like suicide is chickening out and stop posting stuff like this? I'm so disappointed with the people replying here. I actually thought this website was a bit more understanding about the situation of others since we don't have any issues with gender identity and sexuality but clearly I was wrong. I honestly just can't believe this. Please Hayley. If you are having trouble try to push through this. It gets better. Believe me. I have been severely depressed before but you honestly can get through it.
Honestly, it's sad to see all the insensitive replies. So many of you are calling her an attention whore and writing nasty things. Do you not like her because her life might not be peachy like you are used to see? Or do you not like her because she might have a life that is in some way more interesting (in the sense that it is something you don't see everyday) and is complaining about real heavy stuff while you guys probably complain about your parents not buying you something, or getting into a small argument with someone else, or your significant other not doing something you want? Is it that you're jealous in some way of her situation? Is it that you yourself are an attention whore that doesn't like it when others get attention? Is it that the situation makes you uncomfortable and the only thing that you know how to do is bash her? Seriously, I do not understand. Some of you express your discontent towards those who choose suicide but then you actually contribute to someone's suicide. Some of you call her an attention seeker yet are basically also looking for attention by replying insensitive things that will for sure make other people turn their heads towards you.
You speak like you know these people. Maybe they just can't believe that a person can catch all the bad luck that's happening to this person. Sister being raped at a very young age- having cancer- gonna die in three or less years- being a transgender- having a grandma who's homophobic- a family who doesn't care and I think I caught being adopted in there.