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LaMarquise's message board ( All 2 )

LaMarquise September 23, 2018 9:04 pm

Hi (●'β—‘'●)οΎ‰
Actually, I looked at your list and liked it :D I just love people with lists <3 They make finding (and sharing) good titles a LOT easier! I should also sort through my own and make it more organized.
Thank you for the follow and I hope we get to share some of our favorite titles, and don't ever worry about creeping me out LOL it takes a lot to do that.
Have a great day/evening/night depending on where you are..

tsk September 23, 2018 2:03 am

since u talked about recommendations
i have a list called GOLD
i like what is in it, so u can check it
sorry if i'm creeping u...