It’s kinda funny seeing people’s comments about Ruediger’s personality, like calling him a himbo (which yes he definitely is) because like.... he’s a obviously autistic coded ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I’m not gonna write out the whole analysis bc I’m hungry rn lol but yeah

Okay so I’d like to preface this by saying that I am autistic, so while I don’t have a PhD in neurology or anything I have done my own reading and listened to other autistics, on top of my own personal experiences. So I’m not just talking out of ass :P
Firstly: you’re right! Being “socially inept” doesn’t make you autistic, nor is it really an autistic trait (though that is how we are perceived). You see autism is a neurotype, our brains are wired differently and function differently. We often have trouble understanding social cues and social constructs. He doesn’t understand that his words and actions come across as romantic inclination, because in reality, those things /DON’T/ necessarily mean anything romantic. They can, but they can also just be a platonic expression of affection. However society deems those things indicators of romantic attraction. But since he doesn’t have romantic intentions and he doesn’t get social cues it doesn’t cross his mind. He also has low empathy (p.s. this is a stereotype, and while it’s true for some it’s not true for all. Autistic ppl can also be hyper empathetic), which is not to be confused with compassion (caring about others). He also has a strict sense of justice/morals (i.e. firing maids for going after him to raise their status, taking in Luca and our MC) Which is common in autistic folks. He’s also very blunt and straightforward.
These things aren’t like, enough to diagnose him with autism lol but again he’s /coded/ and definitely not intentionally written to be autistic

Yawhi can have his little pity party by himself (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 he is the EPITOME of a privileged and entitled man. He treated Jooin like toy, and now suddenly he’s always loved him??? Get fucked man. And if saying I love you is /sooooo easy/ then why the hell were you so vehemently against saying it huh??? Don’t act like you have no idea what Jooin is upset about you bastard. Yawhi can say whatever but the fact is he never *TREATED* Jooin like he loved him. All of his actions showed that he just wanted to possess him. He STILL only wants to possess him. He loves him, but it’s /selfish/ love. He still isn’t thinking about Jooin’s feelings at all. He only cares that he hurt Jooin to the extant that it made Jooin leave him. He feels entitled to Jooin just because he’s attracted to him. He hasn’t changed and he hasn’t actually tried to. His backstory isn’t an excuse. He’s god damn adult and he is responsible for his actions. All his POV proves is that he’s self centered and doesn’t even recognize all the horrible shit he’s done to Jooin, because he doesn’t think of him as an equal or a person. Just and object.

He was definitely drugged but the question is if it was the rope killer/whoever or if it was wayton. And if it WAS Wayton then if he is perhaps the murder master mind....
Also it annoys me when they have no baby bump or anything ( ̄へ ̄)Ik it’s fiction but like,,, ur tellin me there’s a baby in there??? Where is it hiding Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)?? I think they don’t draw it because they are cowards.... they only draw abs.......

Are y’all forgetting that Sahara is quite literally a monsterous dragon??? And how he manipulated an entire village so no one, not even Suu would notice when he eats people??? he turned a village into livestock and that scared Suu. Not to mention all the other ways he’s terrified him. Like he’s not malicious (towards Suu) but he still put Suu through incredible psychological and emotional pain. And he honestly CAN’T give Suu happiness because he is incapable of truly understanding humans
Why they all got dinner roll tummies ( ̄∇ ̄")