Hey. I dont know if you'll see this but thanks for uploading Sweet Spot. It was really fun seeing your uploads everyday and it made so many of us happy. I'm sad to see you go and watch you interact with our comments but I do hope you come back one day. I said it before but I feel bad for other manwhas who dont have you guys as translators but now we get to feel it too I've said it many times bu5 thank you for your hard work. They were very much appreciated. Please be healthy and happy.

https://boylove.cc/home/book/index/id/1226 I know I asked can you do kiss the bride but I found some raws cuz it hard to find

No one's updating this one either.

tf is wrong with the other person uploading, and why do they trynna stole our shoira
Isn't it clear that someone else ulpoads why do they keep uploading over?