Like honestly im livin for this whats to come of this total bad bxtch moment for estelle like ok grrl go ahead and show him what he's missing pop off sis whoopty woo,, but at the same time when I look at it from a different perspective I feel that she's being really childish and shouldn't bring others into her own mess like I really hope zeon doesn't get hurt by this because I guarantee that at least 98.7% he's gonna agree to this plan but I mean we love a shit show so imma just vibe maybe get my heart broke a bit and want to fight a hoe but is coo we all good I know ANNE will have my back on this she a real one !! ┗( T﹏T )┛ and like on another note does she just expect or father and brother to just be all like "I just sit back and observe (︶︿︶)=凸"
They say she has no powers or anything but like were those last panels not supposed to mean anything like what if she's like some really cool animal/beast tamer type of magic power user or whatever or is that like not a possibility and just already expected of the Visenna household ? Oh and also she didn't die from any of the poisons or anything which I still think is pretty significant so she probably just hasn't unlocked her potential yet and then something drastic and crazy happens and BOOM forces her to unleash some unknown fucking powers because that's how it usually goes