Yo I really love this colorful band of characters like the duke is chill and hilarious very much daddy material mhm and mc is just a precious lil cinnamon roll who deserves the damn world and the knight’s are so fun and unique and I love their character dynamics their all lovable characters!! Tara best girl periodtt. Like Choppin and Rogue are too much i can’t I literally love them like please be boyfriends- uhhm mm I mean besties I say best friends (⊙…⊙ ),, and Mikael mans is fine like silk wine mmm (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ,, and I’m simpin for the chef he’s precious gotta love old people <3 , kinda sad that the brother may or may not exist in the manhwa I was really looking forward to that but who knows we’ll see can’t wait to meet more characters especially our ML and see how the story progresses heheh~

Ok ok im liking this line up here except that dude and the little brat but whatever like I don't hate him i just don't really feel for him rn but hopefully we get some character development later , but like baby these men !! strong and mysterious and FINE and our girl estrella and her daddy leading this group yess all the serotonin I neeed

I really just want to know the reaction of max and her father mainly her father though of the events that took place after she killed herself like I deadass reallyyy wanna know their reactions and what they felt especially after seeing this side of her father and knowing these things now that we didn't know before is just a whole game changer you feel me ~
Bruhh just like when you think it’s over they throw some more curve balls at you and fuck you over like damn I just want everyone to be happy is that too much to ask my mental stability and my heart can’t handle