this truly breaks my heart. i fucking hate the count with every fiber of my being he’s the devil and no one can change my mind. i can’t believe he has the audacity to say that his severe negligence was a simple mistake and that she always seemed healthy when she’s on her deathbed because of him. like karina said she was very young when she painted her parents, so she was probably 10 or younger, and that’s when her health started to decline. no matter how you slice it, how could any parent not notice their child literally dying in front of their eyes for 10 years? i guess it doesn’t apply since he would spare her a glance long enough to see anything anyways. the unmitigated gall this man has to talk about his daughter being a burden or unfilial is astounding. it’s a level of delusion i can’t even begin to understand. how is she unfilial when she spent her whole fucking life devoting herself to others while getting absolutely nothing in return. time after time, chance after chance, he persistently denies that his daughter may in fact be telling the truth about her illness, though she has never lied before, because he himself failed to recognize what was right in front of him. he unfailingly shows what a vile, wretched, ignominious, despicable, revolting sack of FLAMING TRASH OF A MAN he is. he can kick rocks with open toed shoes. he can sleep on a pillow that is warm on both sides. he can hit his funny bone on every surface within 20 ft. he can get food poisoning and spent a week curled up on the bathroom floor puking his guts out. he can injure each part of his legs just enough to never take a step without pain while doctors deny any issues like he denied his own daughter’s illness and pain. he can get dysentery and die a slow painful death. he could get pneumonia and drown in his own lungs as he feels them fail, unable to do anything but listen to the awful gurgling sound of his own feeble attempts to take a breath, grasping desperately onto life, and it still would be what he deserves. i can only hope that he will one day rot in the pits of hell where he belongs.