1. Who asked for your sob story because as far as I know, we're talking about romantic relationship between two men and not your parents and sad school life
2. Why don't you mind your own fucking business and not pretend you care for them? You're doing the EXACT same thing you didn't want other people to do for you. She's just a big fat hypocrite, pretending to be worried about them is also shitty.

He really stripped the MC of his humanity, made him 'sewer side', tied his soul to him against his wishes WITH HIS SOUL BEGGING HIM TO STOP TYING HIM TOGETHER WITH HIM. MY BROTHER IS DEAD AND HE STILL WOULDN'T LEAVE HIM ALONE. If you argue that the ML has 'become better' mind you that if Seoyo remembers he's actually the past Narye, he wouldn't hesitate to make him stupid and make him a mindless doll just to keep his body. Of course this is one of the many messed up BL's out there but I just feel extra bad to the MC, he has had many lives and not one was peaceful and where he was truly happy without being brainwashed.Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
I get that maybe the author or some people like happy endings rather than bitter sweet ones but I cant help but not get over the fact that this whole story is pointless when at the end he just.. lives? Like this whole story is building up on the fact that he's going to die but it just all came crashing down and anticlimactic, feels like I wasted my time by going back to square one and I would've rather had the bitter sweet ending. And second, the black haired cheating guy and his poor red haired bf is so unnecessarily added and if they weren't in the story I wouldn't have cared or even will notice they were gone, plot was extra hella mid just cuz of those. Also justice for my nurse boi, he's still my fav.