The only reason Dan is with Jaekyung is because of the money, so when a richer & prettier nigga who doesn’t have severe mental issues comes along how are u not gonna jump on his dick?? like u can be jaekyungs sex slave for 14k a month but u can’t accept some nice ass gifts from someone who seems to like u I bet my ass he would’ve paid off all his debt if he asked too lmaoooo
im with you on this. anything that will happen in the future with mc whether he gets hurt or whatever, i wont feel bad for him anymore. bc he was clearly given a way out with the rich nontoxic(for now but definitely way better already than asshole ml) celeb and yet he still didnt take it. his "moral high ground" for "doing his job" bullshit is only gonna bring him more pain. fr done with him atp
I feel Dan is not only with Jaekyung because of the money.
If you read through, you'll notice that Dan admires Jaekyung for working so hard to be at the top that's why he's willing to keep Jk in his best health and stamina. And he also feels Jk has done a lot for him, so he has to also do a lot for him too.
Dan cares for Jk, if Jk were to get even the slightest injury, Dan would be so hyperactive to make sure the dude is okay. So I don't feel it's money entirely.
You “love” me so you pressure me into marriage under the guise of a contract when you know I’ll just be a miserable live in maid for your insufferable excuse of a fucking parent