really cute and all but kinda unsatisfying because there was so much drama and it all got resolved fast. wish there are gonna be sides
ok yes we hate the ex I forgot why but he's hot I could see him being a side couple if he has a good enough reason for what he did (forgot what he did)
this was such a good read bro, I throughly enjoyed it
the son has a crush on him, it's so obvious, Chris also has a crush on him HAHA all genders do flock towards him
idc if it has a bad ending this shii still hits
ok their story was great, now end it here before it get bad, best friend side story when
yall be complaining but I'm eating this up, shii is fire
sorry but he's so old and ugly ray deserves better lmfaoo
i feel like mc has mental issues and thinks it's ok for him to get beaten and such, I felt so bad for him when he was getting slapped
Congrats you just got love bombed!
Not given the space and time to grief? Hes here for you! You dont need to grief bcuz grief is bad!!
UnConditional love and financial support? Just wait until it becomes conditional, all your emotions that you unconsciously kept inside will bubble up and fuck you up so good you wont be able to get out of bed.
Seriously tho, Grief is a natural thing that is bound to happen, and grieving the loss you just experienced is much better that letting it fester and grow into a monster with teeth.
This isn't him being lovely and kind it's him being manipulative and trying his best for the mc to fully depend on him (both emotionally financially and physically) by becoming the only one in his life. His only family, friend, and financial supporter.
When the love ends (which will, because it's born conditional) he will stop perceiving the mc for a while only to then start feeding him little ounces of love whenever he does something "good"
Like how a drug dealer gives you a freebie of heroin at first to get you addicted and when you run out you go to him and buy for the first time.
broooo why do I have the feeling he'll force the mc to have sex with the queen so the baby will look like the mc...fuckkk