so the manga is about this guy who has work and stuff. i think he wasn't very lively because of work. but then he meets this guy who has either a son or a little brother. the guy with the kid also has a dad who isn't that old so the kid probably just is a brother. anyway, the way they met was when the working guy was eating a rice ball and the little kid came up and asked for one. he shared it but then the little kid's brother came and scolded him. anyway, the working guy got with the guy with the kid of course. sorry if this was hard to understand, but thank youuu
so it was about like an employee and his manager. and based on where most of the story takes place i suppose they work in retail...? the boss is really cold and serious. but then the employee and the boss get stuck in like this freezer or giant fridge room. it was just like a big cold room. and they get locked in there because they were restocking it or sumn. anyway, the employee and boss are cold so i think they huddle together and they end up having sex. eventually they're rescued. it was a short yaoi im pretty sure. thankss
nooooooo not graham the poor kid im crying all he wanted was to go to school aaaaaa