Super Anime Fan April 27, 2020 6:16 am

It seems like a lot of people don't understand what happened in the end, so allow me to explain it.

Yoshiki and Kasumi were planning on running away together to a place where no one knew them so they could live together as lovers without anyone coming down on them. As Yoshiki was arrested, he told Kasumi to meet him at the place where they started out (Rome at the excavation site). When Kasumi got to Rome, she learned about the accident and Yoshiki's death. She, her mother, Kyoko, and Andou all held a funeral for him. Kasumi disinherited her mother completely and cut all ties with her, so the mother left for New York with Andou while Kyoko returned to Japan brokenhearted.

Kasumi stayed in Rome, repeatedly going to the place they were supposed to meet up, and is suddenly reunited with Yoshiki. Turns out that after he was released, he was making plans to travel to Rome when he had his luggage, including his passport stolen. As he was at the police station getting things sorted out, the train he was supposed to be on was in an accident. The thief that stole his luggage died in the accident, and his face was all torn up from it, but he was identified as Yoshiki because he had his luggage and passport.

Yoshiki eventually made his way to Rome where he was reunited with Kasumi, letting everyone else believe he was dead so the two of them could be together.

Super Anime Fan August 7, 2018 7:09 am

Not with Kasumi and Yoshiki, I'm glad they ran away together (OMG, did I just support incest?). No, what pissed me off is that Andou got away scot free. At least the other antagonists got some comeuppance. Kyoko has to live with a broken heart thinking Yoshiki is dead, with a big scar on her stomach that she stupidly wanted to keep, and her family's reputation in shreds. The mother has to live believing her son is dead, with the public knowing that her children committed incest, and with losing her daughter due to all the horrible things she did to her (seriously, what kind of sh*tty excuse for a mother supports the rape and attempted forced pregnancy of her daughter for any reason).

But Andou, who repeatedly raped Kasumi, mentally and emotionally tormented her, and manipulated pretty much everyone, all with a smile on his face, doesn't face any justice. What happens to him in the end? He goes to New York with the woman he loves. WTF, he was the sickest b*stard in the whole story, and one of the most despicable characters I've ever seen. That sick f*ck should have met with a horrible fate. Hopefully he'll face internal torture everyday of his life of never getting to truly be with the mother despite loving her. At the very least the mother should have had him arrested for what he did to Kasumi after she thought Yoshiki died.

    Pirate queen September 15, 2019 9:23 am

    Well tbh real life is like that. People who are evil, dont have evil ends

    Super Anime Fan September 15, 2019 6:16 pm
    Well tbh real life is like that. People who are evil, dont have evil ends Pirate queen

    I know, but it can still piss you off.

    Pirate queen September 16, 2019 9:45 am
    I know, but it can still piss you off. Super Anime Fan

    True, cant argue with that

Super Anime Fan May 5, 2018 3:02 am

She's like all the unappealing parts of Eren at his worst, with all his bad qualities and none of his good ones, only much more annoying. And now the little b*tch killed Sasha. She's easily the most unlikable character in the series. And now she's acting like those douchebags that deny the holocaust ever happened by saying that since they didn't see the attack on the Eldians, that it never happened. I hope she dies, and soon.

    Anonymous May 8, 2018 12:25 am

    Holy fuck you just summed up everything I was thinking

    Super Anime Fan May 8, 2018 8:38 pm
    Holy fuck you just summed up everything I was thinking @Anonymous

    Glad there are others than see how bad she is. I REALLY hope they're not building her up to be Eren's replacement or something.

    Anonymous May 9, 2018 10:05 am

    Well said. She’s not a bad person, she’s understandable, but that’s all.
    Eren was often criticized for being too noisy, shouting all the time and being too reckless and hot headed, but people could put up with it (or not mind it) because what he was shouting about (that someone has to do something about the titans, and he won’t give up no matter what) was basically right.
    It’s a disaster if that shouting happens to go the wrong way, and starts killing someone the readers love. She’s so self righteous and proud of herself yet she’s wrong...

    Super Anime Fan May 12, 2018 5:46 am
    Well said. She’s not a bad person, she’s understandable, but that’s all. Eren was often criticized for being too noisy, shouting all the time and being too reckless and hot headed, but people could put up... @Anonymous

    No, it's not just the fact that she's wrong. There's so much more than makes her just awful. First, she's so bloodthirsty. Yes, Eren may want to wipe out all Titans, but they're just mindless beasts. When he found out that the enemy were actually people, he was shocked, appalled, and in denial, even when the truth was right in front of him. It took a lot to make him want to actual kill another person. And even when they found out that Titans were once humans, he was once again shocked and appalled. What more, he's doing what he is so the world doesn't have to constantly fear for their lives of the Titans and can finally be free. Even now, he hates the fact that they have to kill people, but understands that they're at war, and that's sadly what comes with it.

    Gabi, on the other hand, wants to kill people. Hell, she's absolutely thrilled at the thought of it. Like that time she pretended to be defenseless, and the Eldian soldiers didn't harm her because she was a child, and then she kills them, she celebrated it. And she wants to kill more in the future. Unlike Eren, she's quick and eager to take human life, and does it with a glee. What more, she wants to willing become a Titan Shifter in the future (meaning she will have to eat Reiner, which she knows), thus shortening her life to only 13 more year, just so she can kill more people. And she's doing this for the people who have been oppressing her and her friends all her life. And unlike Eren, she's not doing it for freedom. She just wants to wipe out all the Eldians because she was told they were evil, and because she thinks she'll get approval.

    Also, unlike Eren, she didn't live through a horror like what he did with the Titans. She wasn't trapped within the confines of a wall her whole life, have to watch her parents, friends, and loved get devoured literally in front of her, and then go through hell and nearly starving to death. All this shaped Eren into the type of person he his. Gabi never experienced any of that, yet she's even more eager to kill. She also refuses to believe the truth when the leaders admitted that the Eldians being "evil" was a lie. She even refuses to believe that the Eldians were only acting in retaliation simply because she didn't see what happened herself. That's no different than the ignorant people in today's day and age that think that the Holocaust of the Jews never happened because they didn't see it themselves. She just wants to justify her desire to kill them.

    But all that aside, Gabi is just a horribly unlikeable person. Never mind the killing and all that stuff, she's just an obnoxious, annoying, unlikable character. Yes, Eren was loud and noisy as a kid, but that was enthusiasm and support for the troops going out to face the Titans, basically the same as a person supporting their country's troops at war, and I already explained how the events in Eren's life have shaped him in ways that some people find unlikable. That's not the case with Gabi. She's like that simply because it's her character, and she's far worse in the annoying department than Eren.

Super Anime Fan April 14, 2018 10:21 pm

I can honestly say that I enjoyed this one. It got quite a few laughs out of me and was pretty entertaining. However, it started going downhill once the Sports Festival started. It's not that it was "bad", it's just that it started dragging. Seriously, it just went on and on. Did we really need 40 chapters of the calvary event? It felt like the writers were simply stretching it out simply to lengthen the story. It didn't advance the plot at all, it just unnecessarily stretched the story out. 10 chapters at most wold have been plenty, but 40? Even their attempts to restore Meiko to her true self felt dragged out. Really, chapters 200-240 just felt like a big waste of time.

And what was up with the out of the blue side story with the Chairman? It was not only unnecessary and irrelevant, but it was also very clearly there just to lengthen the chapters, like the writers couldn't hit their chapter length quota without it because they were out of ideas. In fact, the whole Sports Festival arc just felt like the writers didn't know what to do next, so they stretched it out as long as possible. And what was up with Andre's size? He went from his normal height, to three times his size, to literally 100 times is size. What?

Things got better after that. The ending was pretty funny, though I still feel like many things were unresolved. Like why did that happen to the Chairman? What happens with Mari, Meiko, and Kate? What happened with the boys and girls on the raft? And now that we know that Kiyoshi and Chiyo's relationship never happened, what about Kiyoshi and Hana? And that epilogue left us with far more questions than answers? Really, it felt like the ending was axed.

Still, overall it was a good entertaining read. I wonder if we'l get a second season of the anime now that the manga is complete.

Super Anime Fan August 28, 2017 3:46 am

I heard a philosophy on loving two people at once: "If you love two people at the same time and can't choose between them, always go with the second choice, because it means that the first person was not enough for you, otherwise you would not have fallen in love with the second person to begin with."
Personally, I've never been in a situation like that, so I can't say if this is the right decision or not.

Super Anime Fan August 22, 2017 4:08 am

Whenever the female protagonist is in a love-triangle, 95% of the time, she's going to end up with the one with dark hair. Anyone else notice that? Not saying that's a bad thing, it's just a thing that seems to happen in most manga and manhwa.

    Ariez September 2, 2017 10:07 am

    yup lol totally noticed XD

    Okarisu November 10, 2017 2:29 am

    ....Oh my god, you're right.

Super Anime Fan July 30, 2017 6:24 am

Alain is utter scum. He is guilty of kidnapping her (yes, that is what he did), and he lied to her (which can eventually lead to rape by deception and coercion), he's refusing to let her be with her family (the people at the orphanage), refusing to let her recover so he can continue to deceive her despite her pleas, wants her to be a housewife rather than pursue her passion as a photographer, betrayed Richard by stealing her, he cares more about his wants and happiness than Corinne's, he's basically keeping her prisoner, wants her to forget about her past and the people she cares about and just focus on loving him, he was a it of a stalker at the beginning, and he's completely obsessed with her. Seriously, he's the type of person you file a restraining order against. At the beginning, he first tried to bribe her love by making donations, then tried blackmailing her by threatening to let the orphanage close down if she didn't marry him. Oh, and lets not forget that he was HAPPY about the orphanage burning down despite the pain this caused her because it meant he could continue to deceive her. Oh, he cares about Corinne's happiness, as long as it doesn't risk his own. Just how many times did he says she needs nothing else in life except his love? And he states how if her memories return, he won't let her leave, even if she wants to. The guy is a selfish, heartless, lying b*stard, no matter how you look at it or try to justify it. So tell me, why exactly are you people routing for Alain? Seriously, @#$% that guy. I hope he gets his heart ripped out when Corinne regains her memories.

And Anna, need I say anything. She's a cold-hearted, selfish, murdering b*tch. She tried to kill Corinne despite the kindness she showed her. She doesn't feel an ounce of guilt either. And she's deceiving Corinne's mother. And if that wasn't enough, even after stealing Corinne's life, she's trying to steal Alain from her (please, take the b*stard). She even tried to murder Corinne's cat. I hope she gets exposed.

Serious, these two are like the worst human beings on the planet. Selfish, merciless, caring nothing for who they may need to hurt or deceive as long as it gets them what they want. They both need to die.

Super Anime Fan July 24, 2017 4:36 am

Does no one find it the slightest bit strange/creepy that a 23 year old guy falls for a 10 year old girl, who just happens to be his daughter's half-sister? Seriously, am I the only one who finds this to be even a little messed up?
I mean, a little girl developing a crush on an older guy is one thing, but Naoya falling for Astarotte is pedophillia.

    @yuki19 March 7, 2018 4:23 pm

    Nope for me, cause naoya and rotte have no relations what so ever
    (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Super Anime Fan April 5, 2018 10:59 pm
    Nope for me, cause naoya and rotte have no relations what so ever (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 @yuki19

    So the 23 year old man falling for the 10 year old little girl isn't creepy to you at all?

    @yuki19 April 6, 2018 6:48 am
    So the 23 year old man falling for the 10 year old little girl isn't creepy to you at all? Super Anime Fan

    He falls for her not because she is a child, so it isn't pedophillia, he can just wait about six more years and it become legal

    Super Anime Fan April 7, 2018 4:20 am
    He falls for her not because she is a child, so it isn't pedophillia, he can just wait about six more years and it become legal @yuki19

    IF he had waited, it would be ok, but no, he fell from her and started "messing" around with her while she was still 10. No matter how you look at it, it's still pedophillia.

    @yuki19 April 7, 2018 2:38 pm
    IF he had waited, it would be ok, but no, he fell from her and started "messing" around with her while she was still 10. No matter how you look at it, it's still pedophillia. Super Anime Fan

    That's true if u mention it that way, but he isn't phedo people who like children in general or that his sexsual oriented to just a child.
    What I mean, he isn't phedo for any child, he just phedo for her and when she grown up he will still love her while phedo people don't like child that has grown up.

    Super Anime Fan September 16, 2019 4:00 am
    That's true if u mention it that way, but he isn't phedo people who like children in general or that his sexsual oriented to just a child. What I mean, he isn't phedo for any child, he just phedo for her and wh... @yuki19

    It doesn't matter if it was one time or a dozen times, it's still pedophilia. One time is all it takes. If someone falls for a child and gets sexual with them, and then you say to the police "Oh, well, it was just for this one specific person" your ass is going to jail. That's like saying that if you murder someone or kidnap someone, and claim that it was just this one specific person this one specific time, it doesn't matter, you're still a murderer or a kidnapper. You can try and argue it or sugarcoat it however you want, even if it is just in this one instance, by definition and by law, it's still pedophilia.

    And lets not forget how messed up it is that he gets with the daughter of the mother of his child. That in itself, while not illegal, is still pretty messed up.

    Finrod Felagund September 17, 2019 4:44 am
    It doesn't matter if it was one time or a dozen times, it's still pedophilia. One time is all it takes. If someone falls for a child and gets sexual with them, and then you say to the police "Oh, well, it was j... Super Anime Fan

    Not pedophilia as she is not human (and neither is he) you wouldn’t think it odd for dogs to mate before age 18 (well they won’t even live that long anyway but still) it depends on the maturing rates of a species and need to survive, because it is not necessary to have children at young ages to ensure people don’t die before getting the chance it isn’t part of the sociocultural pressure determining a young acceptable age, because of the capability to choose from such vast amounts of people marriage between those within the same family is looked on as strange but it once was just one more way to consolidate power within a family, it’s all relative... of course by our modern standards I cannot condone it but it is wholesome enough in the way it is done despite the outfits everyone wears

    Super Anime Fan September 17, 2019 5:17 am
    Not pedophilia as she is not human (and neither is he) you wouldn’t think it odd for dogs to mate before age 18 (well they won’t even live that long anyway but still) it depends on the maturing rates of a s... Finrod Felagund

    You're just being nit-picky. It's pedophilia.

    Finrod Felagund September 17, 2019 12:25 pm

    Fair point, but it’s no fun in life to not be nit picky, also when you live for the most ridiculous and over the top sci fi and fantasy you develop habits of forgetting what is the norm

    pacman101 September 5, 2020 4:27 am
    He falls for her not because she is a child, so it isn't pedophillia, he can just wait about six more years and it become legal @yuki19

    "he can just wait about six more years and it become legal" he literally cant

Super Anime Fan July 10, 2017 11:49 pm

"Yosiga no Sora" was originally a visual novel game before it was a manga and anime. The sequel game, "Haruka na Sora", reveals what becomes of Haru and Sora. The two of them (somehow) get married and are pregnant with their first child together.
Yeah, let that sink in a bit.

    I Love Yaoi March 20, 2019 5:43 pm

    Where can u finde Haruka no Sora ? Is it manga anime or game?

    Super Anime Fan March 25, 2019 9:47 pm
    Where can u finde Haruka no Sora ? Is it manga anime or game? I Love Yaoi

    It was originally a visual novel game with a sequel. The anime covers the first game.

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