Super Anime Fan July 2, 2021 10:53 pm

Serious, he straight up back-handed them right off Qingqing and sent them flying! And I thought Curtis throwing the basket with the baby snakes in a fit of rage was bad, but Parker full on smacked them straight through the air. That was WAY worse! At least the feral beastmen are known for being harsh on their kids so they can survive on their own later, but geez Parker, WTH!? Not to mention he keeps neglecting them and dumping them on Curtis to babysit. Guess no one who thinks Parker is better than Curtis can use that as an example of why they think is better anymore.

Super Anime Fan May 21, 2021 4:38 pm

Ok, so here's a theory. If that woman we saw with the kid by Eren's grave really was Mikasa, what if the kid was Eren's son. Now, here me out. We know that just before Eren went AWOL to spy on Marley that he and Mikasa had a heart-to-heart where he asked about her feelings for him. What if something happened between them after that. We do know that Eren spoke with all his friends and informed them of his plan, but then erased their memories, which they got back after he died, so he could have erased that time from Mikasa's memories as well.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because this new ending (which I'm not a fan of) seems to imply a possible sequel or spin-off series where the cycle continues, and that the kid with the dog that came across Eren's tree may be the descendant of the kid we saw by Eren's grave. So imagine a new series where this kid, after becoming infected by the centipede thing in the tree and becomes the new Founding Titan, gains access to the past Founding Titan holder's memories, and is not only viewed as an enemy to humanity for being a Titan Shifter, but must also cope with the knowledge that he's the descendant of the man who wiped out 80% of the world, which would make the world view him as even more of a devil. And imagine what kind of badass he would be, having both Yaeger genes and Ackerman genes.

    rmmm67 May 22, 2021 12:57 am

    ima just tell you right now it’s not his son, it’s obvious that mikasa and her mystery man (which is probably jean) are visiting eren grave when they’re older and she had a kid with him.

    Super Anime Fan May 22, 2021 2:33 am
    ima just tell you right now it’s not his son, it’s obvious that mikasa and her mystery man (which is probably jean) are visiting eren grave when they’re older and she had a kid with him. rmmm67

    You don't know that. You're making an assumption with no evidence. What exactly is preventing this theory from being possible?

    umasou~ May 22, 2021 2:45 am

    But it doesn't make sense for him to have sex with her then rob her memory of it? Isn't that rape? She might have consented during their erased time but if he didn't return it, then the her without the memory would have been the same as someone who didn't consent. If she just turned up pregnant, that would be far as we can see, no memory of them being intimate was returned so.....

    rmmm67 May 22, 2021 3:20 am
    You don't know that. You're making an assumption with no evidence. What exactly is preventing this theory from being possible? Super Anime Fan

    The characters literally look like mikasa and jean, mikasa has a ponytail with black hair like she did in ch 139, jean is wearing that hat that he’s always worn in season 4. Jean has always said he wanted to marry someone like mikasa and have a kid. If you have eyes and look on twitter you can see the zoomed in photo of how the characters revisited erens grave when they were much older and had children.

    Super Anime Fan May 22, 2021 7:50 am

    First, no, it's absolutely not rape. The act would have been consensual. Eren took his friends' memories because he needed them to think badly of him so they would be able to bring themselves to kill him. And he knew they would get their memories back after he died, hence why he spoke to them about his plan first, then erased their memories so they wouldn't know what he was doing until after the deed was done. And I'm sure pregnancy wasn't the intent. People have sex all the time without the intent of getting pregnant. Just because we didn't see the intimate moment didn't mean it didn't happen. Did we see Historia have sex? No, but revealing she was pregnant told us that something happened, and revealing that Mikasa's son is Eren's would simply mean that something had happened between them (which would be revealed in the possible sequel series). And in all likelihood, neither Mikasa nor Eren even knew she had gotten pregnant after they did deed.

    It can still be debated of whether the characters look like Mikasa and Jean since we only saw the backs of their heads (I've heard some people say they thought it was Gabi and Falco). And in case you didn't notice, the woman did not have Mikasa's face scar, nor was she wearing the scarf, which she never took off and was even buried with. And Jean was hardly the only person who wore a hat. MANY people wore hats like that.

    But that's neither here nor there. I'm not saying that Mikasa didn't end up with Jean (despite her never showing an ounce of interest in him even once and only treating him as a comrade in arms, barely even an actual friend), nor am I saying she didn't have other children with him (but if you think about it, she clearly never got over Eren, meaning she settled for Jean, and he always played second fiddle to Eren and always had Eren's shadow looming over him in their relationship; not an appealing outcome for Jean, knowing that your wife is always pining after her dead true love while only settling for you). But there is nothing that goes against the possibility that her first son wasn't Eren. That's called a theory, and as of now, it can neither be proved or disproved.

    But getting off topic, the whole reason I brought it up was for the possibility of a sequel/spin-off series, as having the main character becoming the new Founding Titan and being the descendant of Eren and Mikasa gives him a lot of depth, character, and complexity. Maybe he'll even be able to talk to Eren through the whole time communication thing, and later in the series he'll learn from Eren in a big revelation that Eren is his ancestor. But even if there is no sequel, there is currently nothing that can disprove this theory. But if they do end up doing a sequel/spin-off, I think it would make for an interesting plot device and provide interesting and complex depth for the main character.

    umasou~ May 22, 2021 5:53 pm
    First, no, it's absolutely not rape. The act would have been consensual. Eren took his friends' memories because he needed them to think badly of him so they would be able to bring themselves to kill him. And h... Super Anime Fan

    I went to rape because it's also possible Eren didn't return certain memories to Mikasa, since we never saw memories of them being intimate during the finale.

    "But there is nothing that goes against the possibility that her first son wasn't Eren." But there is though? It's that we don't see any intimate moments and you're only assuming something could have happen, not that something did happen. You're relying on clues you're making up that will possibly be revealed in the sequel to solidify this theory when we don't really know if we'll even getting anything after this. I mean, yes it's a theory, anything goes, but also a theory that is not really connecting to me. It's really reaching for something. I personally don't even like the theory or people saying that the people visiting the grave was Mikasa and Jean so I'm not saying this because I'm for Mikasa and Jean, I just genuinely don't see any good connections.

    Anyway, it's a theory though so I won't tell you it's wrong. All I can say is I don't see connections. If you find more solid clues to support this theory then that would make it more interesting.

    Super Anime Fan May 22, 2021 11:28 pm

    Everyone got all their erased and tampered memories with. The reason Eren would have had to erase any intimate moments between him and Mikasa is because do you really think she would have been able to bring herself to kill him once they admitted their feelings for each other and consummated their relationship. That's why he had to erase their memories of his plan after he told them and paint himself as the villain in their eyes. Even them Mikasa barely was able to bring herself to kill him.

    YeeHaw May 26, 2021 9:29 pm
    Everyone got all their erased and tampered memories with. The reason Eren would have had to erase any intimate moments between him and Mikasa is because do you really think she would have been able to bring her... Super Anime Fan

    But wouldn’t one know when they have had sex for the first time? Like come on man. Even if he erases the traces of it. She would definitely have been able to feel something down there. Also, with the way they fought the last battle, if she had been pregnant with his child, it would have died in the womb with how aggressively they were fighting. So ya, it is impossible that it is Eren and Mikasa’s. Sorry to burst your theory bubble. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Super Anime Fan May 27, 2021 4:03 am

    Who knows how long after they had sex he erased her memories. Days, weeks. Plenty of time to recover. Even if he took off the next days and erased everyone's memories then, based on the extensive exercises and fighting everyone does, soreness is likely a very common thing they all face. In fact, there are sone woman who don't face any soreness after their first tine (usually they do though). Furthermore, for a woman who does vigorous activities, like a sportswoman or a fighter or a dancer, etc, it's actually very common to tear their hymen, often without even knowing. And if she was pregnant, depending on what stage of the pregnancy she was in, yes the fetus most definitely could have survived completely intact. So no, you didn't burst any bubbles or disprove any theories.

    YeeHaw May 27, 2021 11:16 am
    Who knows how long after they had sex he erased her memories. Days, weeks. Plenty of time to recover. Even if he took off the next days and erased everyone's memories then, based on the extensive exercises and ... Super Anime Fan

    Bruh please, does not matter how many times you have done it. Be it the first time or not the first time, a woman will be able to tell if she had sex. There 100 percent will be a feeling down there, not just soreness, other sort of feeling down there. Unless you have had sex, you wouldn’t understand what I am talking about so ya. I feel like a parent explaining to a child about sex education.

    Super Anime Fan May 27, 2021 8:09 pm

    Like I said, doing highly extensive exercises and stuff and getting pummeled by Titans is going to result in soreness. Even if it did happen the day after, what do you think she'll be more focused on, why she's sore, or why Eren disappeared and the war they're caught up in? And again, if Eren erased her memories after she recovered, there will be no soreness for her to wonder about since she'll already be recovered. And you do realize you're trying to use real world logic in a fictional world where ordinary humans are doing superhuman feats like their nothing, right?

Super Anime Fan May 19, 2021 8:21 pm

We saw an old couple visiting what was clearly Mikasa's grave. The old couple looked like Gabi and Falco with their grandkid. There was zero indication that it was Mikasa and Jean (it couldn't be since they were visiting Mikasa's grave). Plus, the previous chapter showed that Jean moved on from Mikasa and Mikasa was holding onto her feelings for Eren. So why are people suddenly thinking that Jean and Mikasa got married?

    Ohhsangwoo May 19, 2021 8:28 pm

    You actually have a point (⊙…⊙ )

    bby dee May 19, 2021 8:37 pm

    ithink that it'z maybe implied through the scarf that's worn by the person visiting the grave

    Super Anime Fan May 19, 2021 8:41 pm
    ithink that it'z maybe implied through the scarf that's worn by the person visiting the grave bby dee

    No, that was the person IN the grave. It showed an old couple visiting the grave with a kid (no one was wearing the scarf), then the next panel it showed the person IN the grave surrounded by flowers, that was Mikasa (and the corpse didn't look that old, so did she die young?), then it showed the same old couple laying down a flower, so it was clearly Mikasa's grave, she was buried next to Eren.

    SitKnee May 19, 2021 8:45 pm

    I can see where you're coming--the old couple being Gabi and Falco--but I wouldn't say they're visiting Mikasa's grave, and I wouldn't say that's Gabi and Falco either (I think they're in the background where you see the wheelchair). Mikasa and someone accompanying her is visiting Eren's grave. There's a picture of old Mikasa's hand giving a rose to Eren's grave (her wrist has the bandage that covers her engraving/tattoo) AND THEN finally dying to show that time passed (remember the text is shown to be looked at from right to left rather than left to right). Because if it was Mikasa in that tree grave then it would contradict the Ymir-finding-the-tree parallel with the kid-finding-the-tree since Eren died (but died as a founding titan without passing it on), which implies that the cycle of the titan power will continue with the kid (as it did in the past with Ymir and look how that turned out: 139 chapters of AOT).

    SitKnee May 19, 2021 8:52 pm
    I can see where you're coming--the old couple being Gabi and Falco--but I wouldn't say they're visiting Mikasa's grave, and I wouldn't say that's Gabi and Falco either (I think they're in the background where y... SitKnee

    WAIT JK I think I contradicted myself XD sorry about that, it was shown from left to right as Mikasa dying and then people visiting the grave. My bad ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Levi May 19, 2021 8:53 pm

    That old couple is mikasa and someone who really looks like jean and i think the drawings mean that she visited erens grave with her whole family until the day she dies. If you look at the picture with the flower you can see thats an old womans hand and someone is holding her hand up so she can let that flower fall on the grave, because she is so old she dont have enough strenght left and needs help from the people around her and thats her last visit before she dies.

    Super Anime Fan May 19, 2021 9:15 pm
    That old couple is mikasa and someone who really looks like jean and i think the drawings mean that she visited erens grave with her whole family until the day she dies. If you look at the picture with the flow... Levi

    The panel before that one was clearly Mikasa's grave, as it showed her corpse inside it.

Super Anime Fan April 8, 2021 3:09 pm

I didn't know he would take it to the extreme and make sure that the rest of humanity wouldn't be able to retaliate, but I knew he was pulling a Lelouch. I admit though, I held out hope that he would be able to use his Titan power to survive his "death" before the Titan power faded and that he and Mikasa would leave together, but I did kind of see this ending coming. And since it was referenced early about Mikasa having children, I was at least hoping it was revealed that something had happened between her and Eren before he went awol and the epilogue showed that she had his kid, but I guess not. Even so, at least EreMika was proven to be canon, but we kind of knew that for awhile though. I did know for awhile that the series was going to have a bit of a tragic end, but thankfully it wasn't what Isayama originally intended where the entire main cast died, that would have been far to morbid.

Super Anime Fan December 13, 2020 2:04 pm

It's actually disgusting how much peacock dude puts stock in appearance. I mean, yeah, he's a peacock, and they're very shallow superficial animals, but he did a complete 180 from harassing Bai to now wanting to be with her at all costs no matter what the second he saw her real face. I mean, at least the manga called him out on it, but damn. I know they're not human and so follow different standards, much like real animals do in the real world, but still.

    Yayi December 13, 2020 2:24 pm

    Remeber it’s a manga animated from animals, the peacock is known as very beautiful animal therefore it is normal to ge attracted to beautiful animals

    Bchan December 13, 2020 2:53 pm
    Remeber it’s a manga animated from animals, the peacock is known as very beautiful animal therefore it is normal to ge attracted to beautiful animals Yayi

    the irony there being male peacocks are actually the pretty ones (since like here.. males are the one clamoring for female's attention) whereas females are the plain looking ones. XD

    Jennie Kim best girl ✨ December 13, 2020 3:41 pm
    the irony there being male peacocks are actually the pretty ones (since like here.. males are the one clamoring for female's attention) whereas females are the plain looking ones. XD Bchan

    Yeah, in the animal world, males are alwys the nicer looking one, while in humans, its the opposite.

    Super Anime Fan December 13, 2020 4:08 pm
    Remeber it’s a manga animated from animals, the peacock is known as very beautiful animal therefore it is normal to ge attracted to beautiful animals Yayi

    I'm aware of that (it's actually the argument I've been using when people mention how shallow they are), but Alva took things to a whole new level. He was borderline being abusive before, and now did a complete 180.

Super Anime Fan November 25, 2020 7:58 pm

I can't believe the writer actually had Natsuo end up with Hina in the end. Their relation ship is so toxic (not to mention hated by the fans) that it's disgusting. Hina is such an unlikable character and hated by many, and with good reason too. She’s just a horrible person. While I doubt the writer intended for her to be such an unlikable character, it doesn’t change the fact that she is.

Let’s start with the fact that she’s willing to take part in an affair, while already tells you how immoral she is. I despise cheaters, but I also have near equal hate for the other person involved in an affair, because they’re selfish and immoral enough to be willing to destroy other people’s relationships and families. It doesn’t matter if that Shu guy claimed to have made the first move, she’s almost equally as guilty. And to let the affair drag on for two years while supposedly falling in love with Natsuo (who was 16 to her 23 btw) makes it even worse, especially when she was still unwilling to end the affair.

And speaking of her relationship with Natsuo, it feels a lot like she’s almost stringing him along due to her apparent need to be with someone. It’s almost like she can’t NOT be in a relationship, and doesn’t care that the relationship is wrong, or that she ignores it, even if it’s bad for all parties involved, and she only shows remorse when the consequences occur after they're caught, but before that it was ok for her. So to get involved with her new much younger step-brother, despite being his teacher, despite knowing it can ruin their family, despite all the trouble it can cause, and even ignoring how her sister feels about him, knowing how hard it is for Rui to get close to anyone, let alone fall for them, is just despicable.

She’s also a hypocrite to boot, basically scolding Rui for having feelings for Natsuo, but then immediately going after him herself, even though the two of them being together would be far worse and more immoral than it would be if Natsuo and Rui got together. I’m sure she genuinely loves him, but she and her feelings always seem so fickle, particularly the way she jumps from Shu to Natsuo.

And throughout the series, I also noticed that despite knowing that something is wrong, Hina will deliberately place herself in situations that can lead to such immoral predicaments. And then she always offers these half-hearted protests to anything a single time only because it’s like she knows it’s expected of her, so she has to. Several times, she offers a single “We can’t do this” or “This is wrong” argument, only to immediately be swayed 10 seconds later and act like, “Oh well, I tried, but it couldn’t be helped”, as if that absolves her of any fault or blame.

And despite her so-called resolves of not wanting to do anything immoral or unethical, she keeps providing the opportunity for those situations to happen, like the way she told Natsuo how they can’t get together because it’s wrong, but then secretly leaving him a key to her new apartment so they can be alone while borderline seducing him in a seemingly innocent way.

And speaking of Natsuo, his feelings for her may be genuine, but it doesn’t change the fact that their relationship is toxic and clearly an unhealthy love. He used to be kind, considerate, honest, and completely unselfish, but after he got together with her, he became selfish, inconsiderate of other people and their feelings, reserved, antisocial with anyone except Hina, manipulative, uncaring how his relationship could tear their family apart or ruin both their futures, and dishonest, even not telling his best friend, who was always his most trusted confidant and ally, anything anymore, even flat out lying to him and using him. And just look at the ending, he just up and leave Rui for Hina with no care for how she feels or how it will affect their daughter, who now has a step-mother who's also her aunt and step-aunt, a biological mother who is also now her aunt and step-aunt, and who now has a biological father who is also her uncle and step-uncle.

When it comes down to it, Hina is a horrible person despite being ‘nice’, and Natsuo becomes a selfish and immoral person whenever he's with her. I don't doubt that they love each other, but two people can love each other and still be very bad for each other. Their relationship is toxic, unhealthy, and not good for either of them. Oh, and let's not forget how screwed over Rui got. Seriously, I don't know what the writer was thinking, but shame on them.

Super Anime Fan August 28, 2020 7:13 pm

There seems to be a lot of people asking why Kail banished Yuri at the end, so I just want to clear it up. This was a massive translation error. Yuri died after living a full life and Kail died a year after her. That's all that happened. There was no banishing, someone just screwed up big time.

    Egglette December 26, 2023 6:05 pm

    Thank you, I was so confused. Like, what happened?? They hated each other at the end? I’m still feeling a bit paranoid about it

Super Anime Fan June 24, 2020 7:49 pm

Ok, I'm sure like many of you, I was shocked and confused as to why Curtis suddenly threw his kids like that, but after thinking about it, I believe I have an explanation. It doesn't excuse his actions, let me make that perfectly clear, but it does explain them.

Curtis loves Qingqing more than anything. His whole world pretty much revolves around her. He knows she loves him too, and even though he's accepted Parker, he still doesn't like sharing her, but is willing to accept him as long as he remains her number one. Parker, while seemingly happy to have at least a part of Qingqing, is still trying to steal her away from Curtis. This was evident in the chapter 122 where he kept trying to convince her to go with him to the beast city. He was going on and on of how great it is and how they should be there and what they could get out of it and what it would do for them, etc. He also knows though that Curtis will not be accepted there because he's a feral. If he can get Qingqing to go with him, or better yet, want to stay there. Then he would have her all to himself. Qingqing didn't seem to realize this though, but it was clearly Parker's intentions.

Curtis overheard this, and he understands what Parker was attempting (see page 44 of chapter 122), or at least felt like this is what he was attempting to do. He loves Qingqing unconditionally and cares about her happiness and wellbeing more than anything. and a small part of him is afraid that he may lose her. So when she agreed to go with Parker, he lashed out in anger. Remember, he is a feral, so we can't hold him to the same standards as others. I don't even think he fully realized what he was doing when he threw the basket with their children. It's even possible that since Qingqing told him to stay behind was because she wanted him to watch their children since she was afraid they would get lost in the city that a part of his mind considered that they were at fault for her leaving, and he acted on his impulse (impulses that, as we've seen, have been pretty violent), and angrily threw the basket. Whether it was because it had been the closest thing to him or because it was the source of why he couldn't go with Qingqing is uncertain, probably both.

In any case, he didn't seem to have been fully aware of his actions, nor did it seem to be his intention to hurt his kids when he reacted that way, and he snaps out of it a few moments later. Yeah, it's a little concerning that he was more concerned with the basket being broken over whether his kids were hurt, but from the looks of it, they seemed like they were ok, just upset. Curtis does love his children, but he loves Qingqing more, which is why he always think of her first.

Again, I know this doesn't excuse his actions, but it does help explain them. Still very disappointed him though.

    Don't_Mindme June 24, 2020 9:48 pm

    Thank you for explaining

    Seishin June 25, 2020 12:39 am

    I go with you. He is feral so is understantable. The baby snake is ok though. No harm. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Louis3 June 26, 2020 5:29 am

    I know right it never was his intention at the first place he liked his children.... do you guys even know the word impulse and also the factor of them being ferals (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Super Anime Fan June 10, 2020 3:35 pm

I want a story of what happened when Marika's counterpart went to the mixed gender world.

Super Anime Fan June 7, 2020 7:14 am

The story has really reached a gray area of who's side you should root for. What Eren and his followers are doing most definitely seems wrong, but look at it this way. Imagine that Eren and the Eldians are Jews during the holocaust, and the literal rest of the world are Nazis seeking to wipe them out. They can either fight back and destroy all the Nazis, or they can let the Nazis kill them all. That is literally the situation Eren and his followers are facing.

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