Okay I know the main couple sucks but can we just take a minute to appreciate how great Kuraoka and Takahashi as friends. I mean Takahashi has wanted them to get together from the moment he thought something was happening and shows full support, and despite the fact that Kuraoka has been struggling with the idea of 2 of his bestfriends having sex he still tells Hina to confess and shows his support. They are kind of awesome. I like them much more than the main couple

Okay am I the only one who thinks that Takaya might have the sexiest grin ever! I mean I've read this manga like 10+ times and I swear, the main reason why is because of Takaya's expressions. Especially the grin he gets while licking (or doing anything even remotely sexual with Ino really) Ino is amazingly sexy

I think the biggest problem is that Satoi didn't take the time to understand his boyfriends thought process
Like this is a kid with literally no self-esteem and who obviously has anxiety. Now people like that will do anything to do what they think is protecting their loved ones and that includes shutting them out if they think its better for the other person.
Soutarou has been trying his best to protect Satoi in the best way he knows how even if it could hurt Satoi Soutarou truly believes that what he's doing is more beneficial to Satoi
He will never see himself as truly worthy of Satoi so this is how he acts
So instead of trying to figure that out and help Soutarou with this and understand how his bf thinks Satoi just gets mad sexually assults him and then gets even more mad when Soutarou is obviously scared out of his mind for apologizing to get Satoi to stop and asking if Satoi is mad because he's assaulting Soutarou
Then he just leaves confirming all of Soutarou's insecurities and fears
SO really he should have just tried to understand what its like for his bf instead of making assumptions based on how his thought process works and thought more about Soutarou's mind process

Come on, Soutarou was being bullied, threatened and in the end, he was still thinking what was best for Satoi. He did not want to break up with him but the reason he didn't want to be with Satoi in school was for Satoi's own sake. I mean , he was bullied and the first thing he thought of, is what would happen to Satoi. Satoi has not shown that he cared for Soutarou, but Soutarou has been thinking what;s best for Satoi.
Even after seeing that Soutarou was being clearly bullied, Satoi chose to focus on his own problems with Mifune. Like the guy had a crush, but your bf has been clearly bullied. Soutarou needed you to care for him the ONE TIME, and you let him down.

Yes I understand all of that I'm pretty sure I said that in my initial post. Sourtarou has ano self-esteem and anxiety because he gets bullied and that's why he acts the way he does and tries to protect Satoi in a way that just does not make sense especially to regular people. Which is why I said that if Satoi tried to understand how Soutarou thinks none of this would have happened. That being said, to normal people how Soutaou acted is wrong and nor the way it should have been handled. I personally understand Soutarou's actions I have the same issues is Soutarou and have actually done a similar things thinking I was protecting others but it doesn't work. So I also understand the other persons side because they explained the same thing Satoi explained to Soutarou just with less violence. Plus if he was allowed to Satoi probably would have helped Soutarou with the bullying but Soutarou obviously didn't want help and didn't even tell him the situation so it's not really Satoi's fault

I'm kind of happy koogi is taking another week. I personally wouldn't mind if she took even more time if her eyes are doing that badly, she deserves as much time as she needs. However I'm also excited because I get my braces off the same day killing stalking gets an update so two great things in one day!
okay simple solution to all of those people pissed off about the rape part DON'T READ IT! if you don't like it just go away please. I do not want to feel bad for reading the kind of mangas I like. Also someone worked very hard to create this and then post if so we can read it FOR FREE so show some respect. you aren't spending money on this so you can choose to not read it and not put down the mangaka and the people who enjoy it. So please just stop
Amen! Bitch about dubcon/rape ONLY when you happen to PURCHASE a manga Blindly and are mislead by cover. But even then it’s YOUR FAULT for being an idiot. Don’t like it? Don’t read it. And either way, SHUT THE F*#K UP about it already.
yeah it does get old.seems like just the past 6 to 8 months the complaining has gotten worse,