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TKayM's topics ( All 9 )

TKayM February 7, 2018 12:21 am

okay simple solution to all of those people pissed off about the rape part DON'T READ IT! if you don't like it just go away please. I do not want to feel bad for reading the kind of mangas I like. Also someone worked very hard to create this and then post if so we can read it FOR FREE so show some respect. you aren't spending money on this so you can choose to not read it and not put down the mangaka and the people who enjoy it. So please just stop

    Cowcow February 7, 2018 12:59 am


    UnderNiko February 7, 2018 2:59 am

    Amen! Bitch about dubcon/rape ONLY when you happen to PURCHASE a manga Blindly and are mislead by cover. But even then it’s YOUR FAULT for being an idiot. Don’t like it? Don’t read it. And either way, SHUT THE F*#K UP about it already.

    LoveBunny February 7, 2018 4:16 am
    Amen! Bitch about dubcon/rape ONLY when you happen to PURCHASE a manga Blindly and are mislead by cover. But even then it’s YOUR FAULT for being an idiot. Don’t like it? Don’t read it. And either way, SHU... UnderNiko

    yeah it does get old.seems like just the past 6 to 8 months the complaining has gotten worse,

TKayM September 25, 2017 7:54 pm

Okay I know the main couple sucks but can we just take a minute to appreciate how great Kuraoka and Takahashi as friends. I mean Takahashi has wanted them to get together from the moment he thought something was happening and shows full support, and despite the fact that Kuraoka has been struggling with the idea of 2 of his bestfriends having sex he still tells Hina to confess and shows his support. They are kind of awesome. I like them much more than the main couple

TKayM's questions ( All 3 )

TKayM September 1, 2017 8:22 am

Okay so what is the yaoi manga that has twins (twins are male and female) and the male twin (who is a total S) is in love with their best friend and gets super possessive and there's lots of drama. Also its drawn differently and when the characters are seen from the side their noses get super long but are normal from the front. I've been trying to find it again forever

TKayM July 5, 2017 6:06 pm

Okay so what's the yaoi manga that has a black haired guy with a kid that's really rude falling in love with his kids teacher and eventually it turns into the kids love story called (and no I'm not talking about love kids its a little newer)

    daynight July 5, 2017 6:10 pm


    TKayM July 5, 2017 6:23 pm

    Thank you!!! I've been looking for it for like 3 days now but I couldn't remember what the cover looked like so I never found it

    daynight July 5, 2017 7:10 pm
    Thank you!!! I've been looking for it for like 3 days now but I couldn't remember what the cover looked like so I never found it TKayM

    actually me to i had to scour every tag possible before i saved in my list. ENJOYYY

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Hey!!! I'm Tanessa, I'm from Vancouver Canada! I don't really consider myself to be any sexuality really... I'm more of a noncommittal wiggly hand gesture at best, but you could call me heteroflexible if a label is easier. I got into yaoi and anime like 2 years ago now... I think... It feels like a lifetime and whole different me ago haha. Yaoi, anime, and makeup are like my favorite things ever. I also love meeting/making new friends and I'd love to get to know any of you guys!
Thanks for reading this if you did!

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