i understand and don’t understand the hate on eren. i get it... he’s doing some fucked up things, but i don’t get it because he’s practically been forced into this role. if you take a look at eren from the beginning or eren when all the secrets unfolded... it’s so obvious this is never what he wanted. eren? truly wanting to commit mass genocide? to me that’s just not the eren i’ve read about. as i said he was kind of forced into the role. he was given these titan powers; was used as a weapon; was treated like a monster; was blamed for anything going wrong; was blamed for countless people’s deaths; was told to save the world; was forced to play this savior role to some and a villain role to others. in truth life dealt him an unfair set of cards. he’s a boy who was forced to grow up too fast and forced to play roles he should never have been forced to play. i believe eren truly wants them to stop him. i know he does. he started down this path of saving the world and i think at some point he got so lost and tired that he didn’t have the capability to stop himself or bring himself back. when i see people call him a bad person it’s annoying because they’re ALL bad people. nobody is good. there’s simply a scale of “better - worse”. some have committed smaller “sins”, others have committed larger “sins”. So many of these character have killed a pretty close number of people (taking the whole titan genocide out of it for a second) to eren, but it seems like erens the only one whole held accountable for things he’s done. they blame so many people’s deaths on him that weren’t his fault. i’m sorry, but sashas death was not his fault. yes he came up with the plan but sasha made the decision to join the corps knowing her life was at risk, they all made the decision to go there and aid erens plan. yes i know he kinda gave them an unfair choice because they needed him, but still my point still stands that these people made a choice to be there. i just think it’s unfair to blame him for all these people’s deaths when everyone’s practically forced him to become the person he is. eren has helped them out so many times and i never see people thank him... they just once again tell him everything he did wrong and how he’s responsible for people’s deaths. i just truly feel so bad for eren and the person he was forced to become. i got a little sidetracked but as i was saying; no erens not a good person, but none of all the other characters you love are either. i think a piece of eren broke every time he killed someone, but i think he believed he had no other choice. he was basically given an unfair choice too. either every person you know and love dies or you use your power to get rid of the threat to them, save the world and kill these people. i don’t know what the hell id have done if i was given that choice. if i was in erens position and the people i loved lives were as risk... i think i’d do anything to save them. he’s doing all he thinks is possible. honestly the idea of “talking to them” imo never would have happened. they probably would have killed everyone in the wall who made an attempt to talk to them before they could even get a single word out. the merleyans may have been brainwashed but they wanted power and to be at the top. no matter how brainwashed you’ve been it takes common sense to realize “hey they aren’t responsible for their ancestors actions”. the marleyans didn’t care because they believed they’d always win. the brainwashed eldians... i feel bad because they were brainwashed to believe this is what they deserved but believing the things they did and feigning ignorance they forced countless sorbets including their kids into a oppressive life. not to mention paradis island was severely outnumbered... if they went into a head on war with them they’d be screwed. they’ve also been raised on odm gear unlike their opponents who’ve been raised fighting land and water wars. ANYWAY. Erens did what he believed was the only option. was it right? no. but it was what he thought was the only option after what he was forced to become. honestly i’ll be a little disappointed if Isayama kills Eren off like this, i think there’s more to be done with his character in the little amount of chapters left. so there’s my rant. and fyi i’m not some big eren simp. i’ve always found his character cool but he’s never been my favorite character. i’m a jean lover lol. oh and i’m totally down to hear other people’s opinions if they disagree with what i said.

also i know eren gave them in a reckless mission (when he ran away) and kinda gave them no choice, but is erwin responsible for every life lost on one of his missions? no because each soldier made the choice to be there and he made a plan the best he could. the situations are a little different i know, but i truthfully i don’t see any other way they could have accomplished what they did there without doing what eren did sadly. it was reckless but kind of the only option so do what they needed to do with as little deaths possible. he gave them the advantage of surprise and the ability to use their odm gear. okay i’m done. i don’t think i did very well exposing my opinion but i tried and hope everyone gets it lol.

ok here’s my opinion before i finish reading what you said because you brought up some pretty great points 1) i don’t believe eren should die either, and honestly we never know the direction that this manga will go so, especially with the way mikasa’s whole life purpose is eren, her idly letting him die doesn’t seem like something that would happen. but even if he does have to die, i feel like he’s ready for it. he doesn’t believe he’s a good person either, and by him and reiner being parallels they most likely have similar trains of thought. though, i also believe he’s prepared for this because of the way that he can implant memories into his own and others’ brains, so throughout the story he’d been planting hints in his father’s, the attack titans preceder, and his own head to lead him to the one way that he thought he could “save humanity.” when he told his friends he cared about him he really meant it. and in the first season, I believe it was Erwin who said something along the lines of “the best leaders are willing to sacrifice anything, and their own humanity in order to save people from the monsters,” and Eren shows this throughout the series, especially now by initiating the rumbling for the bettering of humanity. and you’re right on how you said the Eren we see now isn’t the Eren we read about, because the one we know and recognize is still in there, but he knows what he has to do in order to “save humanity.” still though, he’s what- 20? and there’s no perfect moral way to “save humanity,” but he’s trying his best and is struggling with everything himself, because having inherited 2 titans since the start nobody was like him or truly understood him, but he never let that crack his character. and now seeing ymir basically have/ create all the titans he most likely resonated with her and that’s why he understood her. i side tracked a lot but, i hope you get what im saying in a sense! ok back to reading ur response lolol

ok i finished reading but yeah the 2) was I don’t believe he’s responsible for the deaths, but I don’t think he ever needed to be issued a “thank you” or anything, because throughout the series nobody really thanks anyone, accept basically God for ending up alive. sure Eren had endured a lot but everyone had, so I don’t think anyone needed to thank anyone, espeically because it was war and it was expected of people. Also, back on my original point, if his character was super simple and he really did crack and do all of these things for personal gain, I feel like, as shown one of the cracking points was at Tiber(?)’s speech where he said they should kill Eren, but that might’ve been future Eren telling him to initiate the master plan, because I believe Eren’s eyes started glowing, which to me signifies his future self communicating, or it would’ve been Sasha’s death, where he started laughing out of some sort of panic, because that was one of the last signs of emotion he showed before the rumbling, and he also told Sasha that he wanted her to live a long life along with everyone else, and that he cared about her, so not being able to fulfill that promise could’ve changed him from the Eren we know into the Eren who wanted to initiate the rumbling, because he probably questioned the point of having a mankind that was built on lies (after just escaping one - Paradis) but it could just be that he had a master plan like i originally explained

completely agree with everything you said. and fs nobody got a thank you in this series so erens not special to where he deserves one over everyone; just bothered me that no matter what he did for them they always managed to find a fault in it, but when others did something great tjey might not have gotten a thank you but they got acknowledgment kinds for what they did, yk? idk if that made sense lol. and yes! i was thinking the same thing about during the speech. the same way in the beginning of the series (if i remember correctly) his future self sent him a vision, i think that’s what happened then too. i also think it was a point of realizing no matter what they do they won’t acknowledge their faults and instead they’re going to blame it on me and make me the monster so i might as well do it. and then sashas death felt like a breaking point of i’m doing all this to keep my friends alive and i can’t even succeed that. it felt like he was just so broken in that moment and was laughing at himself and calling himself useless. i totally think that was his last breaking point.

thank u so much!! i and what you’re saying makes a lot of sense because eren is always treated like less than everyone else in the series, and rven if he was acknowledged in fandom, which with certain instances he hardly is, it’s not comparable to how the rest are constantly painted as heros. i feel like before the eldia situation was revealed he got more love, but now people tend to instantly hate without understanding his character

what you’re saying makes a lot of sense because eren is always treated like less than everyone else in the series, and rven if he was acknowledged in fandom, which with certain instances he hardly is, it’s not comparable to how the rest are constantly painted as heros. i feel like before the eldia situation was revealed he got more love, but now people tend to instantly hate without understanding his character

i basically share the same opinion, except for one little bit. yes it is their choice to be there, they could've went NOPE, i opt out, and they probably would be allowed to. but you have to keep in mind they dont have a choice either, given the circumstances as scouts and their position as eren's friends. eren has the founding titan and he's out here wildin. they didn't have a choice but to risk their lives so that the founding titan and eren make it out alive. it's like someone is holding your life in their hands and they're about to get themselves killed, of course you have to save them so you can save yourself in the process.

i love ur comment i wish i can blame someone but i can't
i can't blame them at all.. i can't blame Eren for the choices he made he was 15 come on he's still a kid with a huge responsbility on his shoulders i cnt also blame reiner for the 1st attack they literally brainwashed them just like u said and i cnt blame that girl who killed sasha (i saw comments on the ep everyone was cursing the girl) bruh what do u expect her to do? kiss him goodnight or something she knows nothing.. also the laughing matter i still can't believe that some ppl actually think that eren was happy when sasha died just like u said he felt like he's still a useless kid who can't even protect one friend. tbh i don't want him to die i don't want anyone to die specially eren he need happiness i feel like i raised him lol (i'm on team Armin and Levi) but i remember the author said that's gonna be a sad ending idk how he's gonna surprise us but imo the only sad ending we're gonna get is Eren's death maybe Mikasa or Armin will kill him idk it's just a theory i came up with i hope it doesn't end up this way
(im really sorry about my english it's not my native language)

dw you english is really good haha and i totally agree. it’s not fair to be angry at gabi when she’s been told lies her whole entire life. being upset over sashas death is valid but blaming it on gabi? the people at fault are the ones who started these lies and the people who are knowledgeable of the lies and continue to spread them for personal gain. reiner was one of the people i felt the most pain for... he looked so completely ruined about everything. some of them didn’t care what they did but reiner cares so much, he wanted to die from the guilt. i felt so bad TT.

oh yea i fs agree eren gave them a shit choice. i understand he saw the future or whatever and was doing all of it because he had a plan but it definitely was a unfair choice. i just don’t think he’s responsible for the deaths, same way i wouldn’t find someone responsible for erens death if he was trying to save them yk? but definitely agree that eren putting them in a really tough position.

y’all really have never bled through your pad and pants? happened to me at school when i was wearing white pants once & it’s happened to me in bed too (when i sleep too long or my period decided to go extra heavy on the flow). underwear also moves around sometimes too and your blood can leak from the side onto your pants. it’s completely natural and if anything comforting to see this talked about in a story so people realize periods are a pain in the ass and i’m not the only one who struggles with it. so for people saying this was “unrealistic”, it’s very much realistic to me and others.

AND when you’re laying down in bed sometimes the blood runs through the back (idk if that makes sense) which is why some people use longer pads when they sleep (or longer pads all day). anyway my point still stands that this is completely natural and happens to many people. happens to me way too often then i’d like to admit because my flows are VERY irregular. there’s so many circumstances that can cause you to bleed through and stain. just because you don’t doesn't mean nobody else does <3

i mean i ship mc and boss but for all of you saying shit about sangwook “if he wanted to be with mc he should have confessed instead of denying” 1.) nobody is ever required to be out about their sexuality when it still makes them nervous, 2.) mc wanted to be in a relationship with him but didn’t confess his feelings tjey did the same thing. (it’s difficult expressing feelings to the opposite sex it can ruin friendships) 3.) if mc had an issue with the way their friendship was he should have brought it up. MC never expressed any discomfort with the way Sangwook was treating him so how was Sangwook supposed to know. 100% Sangwook should have been mindful of the way he was acting with mc and how that could potentially cause confusion but it doesn’t make him a bad person. MC really shouldn’t have ghosted him... getting ghosted without even a goodbye hurts like hell. not to mention the MC didn’t even ask sangwook himself... he had some dude ask sangwook so it makes complete sense for someone who’s not really even out to himself to get defensive when a rando (especially one who’s been bullying mc) asks that.
now as for my issues with how forceful he was being in the storage room... that completely different. i don’t think the way he was acting deems him as a rapist of sexual assulter as someone said, i’ll wait to see how the story goes and if that happens to call him that, but the way he was acting was not it. at the end of the day Sangwook should have expressed that he really wanted to talk because losing mc hurt and he wants to know if he did something wrong and if MC doesn’t wanna answer he should have dropped it and waited until mc was ready to talk about it. Not to mention to do that in the work place is completely unprofessional and puts not only the clients but the staff in an uncomfortable situation.
Anyway cant wait to see more of mc and boss because they’re by ship (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Your comment couldn't be more complete but I'm thinking like, isn't that logic that he denied when the guy that was bullying MC asked, people are saying that he didn't accept his own sexuality and denied it for himself but weren't they thinking like, he denied it to protect MC from those rumors whom could bring more bullying. I really think he is a great guy, just a little bit bossy and dumb but he clearly didn't intend to rape or sexually assault MC, he was trying desperately the whole day to have an answer so when he saw the occasion he took it and wouldn't let it go. I would have made the same thing, because I'm a little insistent and really bossy.
But yh, for the whole "He is mine" where people are complaining that MC is not an object, they are searching for a problem that doesn't even exist, we all know that this is just a way of talking and he does see MC like that, this way of saying things existed for years and it's the first time I see someone complaining when the character that says it clearly doesn't have ill intentions.
But yh, I really liked your points, it's like you are the rare one to try and explain to those who are exaggerating everything. (●'◡'●)ノ

literally yes... if someone is already getting bullied why give them more ammo? he cares about him and didn’t want the person he cared about getting bullied even worse.
and yup so many characters (different stories) have said “he’s mine” and people haven’t had an issue with it, they only have an issue now that the second live interest/not their ship says it. he didn’t mean it in a possessive psycho way (at least that’s how it seems), just sounds like he meant it in a “i’ll fight for him” way.
i have no issue with who people ship the mc because they both seem like good guys but don’t make things up/make things bigger than they are just to validate your ship. as long as the ships aren’t abusive/unmoral there’s no need to justify your ship and put the other one down.
and thankssss :)

some of y’all are too much... “glad yuki is dead” “i hope yuki is gone from the manga forever” “thankful he offed himself” like chill out dude killed himself saying you’re happy he’s dead isn’t something you should be proud about. like it or not yuki is a very important character and without him this wouldn’t be happening. Sure yuki has had his bad moments in what we’ve seen but he’s also had his good. i understand he’s a fictional character and not real but saying you’re glad he killed himself/that he’s dead is just kinda fucked up.
i’m trying so hard to read this (i’m on chapter 101) because i love the mc, the plot, her friends, the world building, the art, etc... but i don’t like arhad. at all. i’m sorry but he bothers me so much. every time he shows up i just want to punch him. there’s just little things that get on my nerves (probably because i’ve had to deal with it so much in my life). 1.) the little jealous moments bother me. i understand he likes her but it’s not like they’re even dating so he can feel scared of “losing her” (even then i don’t think jealousy is warranted when they’re not giving you a reason to be jealous) but i tell myself that since he doesn’t act on it too much i can deal with it. and 2.) the whole i’m a gentleman thing where he steps in to “do things for her” when she’s never asked him to bothers me. i know he likes her and it’s probably a way for him to convey his feeling but it bothers the shit out of me. some might see it as a nice thing but i’ve had to deal with this bs my whole life where a man steps in to help me because he likes me or he thinks it’s the gentleman thing to do. i understand he doesn’t mean it in this way but it feels like being lessened and dumbed down. i also know she’s not fazed by it (granted she’s a fictional character controlled by the author so she really had no opinion) but every time he does it i wanna send him soaring. i’m gonna continue reading because i love this story so much but i’m hoping he grows on me as the story goes on (everyone seems to like him so he has to have some qualities that outweigh my hate for him).
I actually love him because of the fact that he's a yandere, but I can see what you mean. I guess at the end it all comes down to preference. Thanks for being so respectful though, I hate when people trash the people who like characters. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
(Spoilers kinda?)
Honestly I think as a character he does have toxic tendencies as you mentioned but they are explored perfectly in this story. We know arhad respects Ianna and knows she is a capable, as seen before, so we know he doesn’t look down on her.
We can also say much of his jealousy and possession is the result of their past life and Ianna always being out of his reach and almost against him, how he had to watch that despite knowing her since thousands of years before that when they were gods. I think that goes for the same as the gentlemen thing, arhad doesn’t always step in to look cool and doubt Ianna; he’s paranoid. Extremely paranoid because this is the only time in his huge lifespan things are going well; and he’s desperate to keep it. The author doesn’t make this out to be cute and loveable, instead having Ianna as the mc is the PERFECT way to explore this because Ianna openly states and reminds him its not okay and she’s not taking bs from anyone. If she was more quiet and reluctant I wouldn’t be reading this. I love this story because it combines a toxic man with good intentions and an awesome badass woman to fight those toxic traits and honestly they make each other healthier :)
since i’m still fairly new to seeing them interact (since he was avoiding her for a little) there hasn’t been much of her saying no, just her being really confused when he steps in like when she said “he must really like cutting food?” but since you said she stands her ground i’m definitely gonna continue. And for sure since she was so “i won’t join you because i want to beat you” in her previous life it definitely makes sense that he’s so cautious. tyyyy!
yeah he's very toxic but I like that the toxicity isn't romantized (?)
like yeah he's toxic but in their previous life she was trying to beat him, and in the gods era he was the devil and was like insanely obsessed with her, and she apparently stabbed him so well, i get it, it's a complex relationship, and she stands for herself so I'm not worried
it's not like they are regular highschoolers and she's a soft girl
ofc i see bad traits on him, but i think he's meant to be like that, the autor did that on purpose, it's part of the plot and it's kinda interesting
but tbh i wish character development for him soon, if things keeps like this zzzz
I understand your frustration there. I'm not too bothered by it, because Ianna still seems to be the one who calls the shots in the relationship, and because I haven't experienced that kind of behavior myself. But yeah, I think we're often attracted to the idea of a possisive and obsessive character, because of the perceived intensity of the emotions, and the idea that someone would go great leanghts for you is pleasant. I think that's why I like Arhad. But in reality I know it's more about the person than it is about you, and jealous and possessiveness are not proof of love, even if they're sometimes related. If Ianna wasn't such a powerful character herself, I think I would have hated him too.