Why do you all want it to be bl so bad? I’ve seen so many comments throughout the time I’ve been reading this saying “wish it was a bl” “pretending this is a bl” etc. She has stated she was a girl before she came to this world, has said she wants to be referred to as a girl and is clearly more comfortable as a girl. It’s just people mistaking her for a guy in the story, but she usually clears up the misunderstanding. It’s so weird to push the male gender onto someone, when they’ve clearly stated they were more comfortable with the female gender, all because you want it to be a bl. There’s really no romance in the story anyway, and if/when there is... it’ll be a subplot. Also the title literally says “daughter”.

okay I guess this is an unpopular opinion:
I wasn’t necessarily disappointed in the ending of 139 just felt unattached to everything after time skip (i explained in a previous comment when 139 came out) but I totally love this. I love how it’s a slap in the face to the real world because it’s so... true. The world will never know peace unless everyone was wiped off the universe. People will never know peace unless we were all incapable of “sin”/doing anything unmoral. The honest truth is people are greedy and power hungry. They get one taste of power and they strive for more. If you take a look in real life history every war that’s happened is because one or more countries (typically the person in charge of the country) decided they wanted to expand their country, take more land, and gain more power... that’s always how wars happen. Someone decides they want more power, they start a fight, the other country either has to defend themselves or give up whatever it is the aggressor wants. I love this because it shows how deep down childish eren still was. He had a child-like dream of achieving peace but that’s all it was... a dream. People will repeat the same mistakes over and over again despite having history books to recall what previous wars have done because 1.) they didn’t live through those wars to they have no real memories and 2.) they have some naive idea that this war will be different and 3.) the greedy goal of power is more valuable to them than people’s lives. I honestly really loved this add on because (and i hate to say it) the previous end (139) felt too peaceful... this add on was perfect imo. I also don’t u first and why people are saying titans still exist...? To me there was nothing shown that titan still exist, I think it was showing that even if you get rid of one destructive weapon, another will always appear. We create weapon either to defend ourselves or to win the war we started, but all’s that happens is a new weapon is made that causes more death and destruction (flame throwers, nuclear bombs, tanks, planes, etc). Previously we saw titans destroying buildings but now they created a new weapon (bomb and planes) to destroy buildings. ANYWAY i think this ending was to show you Eren really didn’t achieve anything except getting rid of titans but even that achievement is insignificant when a new deadlier weapon just replaces what gets destroyed. (People are gonna hate me for this) but I don’t believe he achieved peace for his friends (mostly Armin and Mikasa) either. The war still continued after he died (there was just no more titans) and I’m sure it was torture everyday to live with Erens death, live with being the one who killed him, live with seeing your friend be the monster to everyone. Sadly Eren achieved nothing really and his actions, beliefs, dreams, the idea that he could truly achieve them, was all childish and truly showed how he never grew up. Anyway that’s my hot take on the ending and I loved the added pages ending so much.

Opinions of her potential love interests:
- Cahil is too young and too old (as of current time). He’s too young in the aspect of her having feelings for him. While she may have the body of a child, she has the mentality of her former self, an adult. It would be beyond weird for her to develop feelings for him currently because he’s a child and she’s technically an adult. He’s too old in the aspect of him having feelings for her because she’s honestly really young, she only just recently was speaking properly, she has the body on like a 5 year old. I’m slightly okay with him having feelings for her but imagine if you were five and a (idk his age i’m just guessing) 11 year old had feelings for you... it’s honestly kinda weird. Wolf boy and her being the end game couple will always be weird until he’s (physically and mentally) an adult and she’s (physically) an adult.
- I have no clue why people think Noxita (green haired mage) is a love interest... seeing as she picked him up when he was a child, clearly only had mother-like feelings towards him and i’d say he has feelings of admiration and loyalty to her (not romantic feelings). I could be wrong but that’s what i’ve got. Least favorite love interest if he is one lol.
- I don’t think Iruga is a live interest and if he is I have the same feelings towards their relationship at Cahil (he’s too old and too young).
- Avaritia is... something. I’d say it’s strange he has feelings for her but honestly it’s not. I don’t at all think he’s the main love interest (99% sure it’s Cahil) but his feelings, and if she had feelings for him, are honestly the only morally okay ones (his less than hers). He had an obsession/love for her before she was a child, those feelings simply didn’t go away and he still views her as her former self. Still weird though and he should just like wait until she’s (physically) an adult. Her having feelings for him is the only morally right one for her since his mental age matches her mental age, they met at the same age range, his physical appearance and mental state is an adult (because would be weird for her [an adult] to find him [a child] attractive).
Honestly I want romance to be out of this story until all the love interests are/she is an adult. I honestly have no ships and I feel like if they were all of age I would have a ship. It would make the romance aspect of it feel less icky if they just held off. I’ll honestly probably drop this if she begins developing feelings for wolf boy while he’s still a minor because it makes me uncomfortable and it’s honestly the same as an adult simping for a child.

“The sisters weak” yea excuse the sister for being a normal high schooler. Just because someone doesn’t have experience in martial arts, handling weapons, etc. doesn’t mean they’re “weak”. She tried to stand up for herself, but the people bullying her abused their power and shut her down. Wtf was she supposed to do? Make a bigger issue out of it which could possibly get her grandpa into a mess? Fight back against a group of people beating her up which could possibly make them angrier? Also it makes complete sense a normal high school girl couldn’t defeat kidnappers and run away. I don’t see anyone calling the mc’s friend weak and annoying despite the fact that he doesn’t stand up for himself. She doesn’t pry into mc’s life, she doesn’t purposefully try to get into bad situations, and in fact tries to hide the fact that he’s getting bullied so she doesn’t drag her brother into the situation. The sister literally hasn’t done anything wrong, all’s she’s doing is trying to live her life as a normal high school girl and care for her family.

Im supporting this statement..bitch..think about it we are normal people...same goes to that little sister...if u being bullied and your family is poor and dont have any connection..you think you can survive? Of course not. Dont compare lil sis with ijin..they have been brought up in different way ( ̄へ ̄)

Agreed! She’s a normal high school girl, and she’s actually quite strong in her own way. Physically, she’s weak since she doesn’t have combat training. But mentally, she’s quite strong to not break after being bullied so horribly by those assholes. She put her family first, and I’m quite fond of her. She’s not the average, annoying thot we usually see, and I’m happy to keep it that way. She’s a cinnabun that must be protected at all cost, same with grandpa!

Bye she wasn’t being rude to the guy, she refused his advances and he kept pushing. When someone says no to you offering a drink, you don’t keep pushing for them to drink it until it spills on them. She has every right to refuse him and then get annoyed with him when he keeps trying. She wasn’t even “rude” until he kept pushing, and even then she wasn’t as rude as I’d be if some dude was being pushy. He made a comment implying girls don’t like sportsy things, she said it’s not because she’s a girl, he tried to give her a soda, she said no, he kept pushing, she kept refusing, he pushed so hard he spilled the drink on her. If you don’t want to accept something from someone, you are not at all expected to accept something because it’s the “nice” thing to do.

you guys don’t like the fl? i love her and i’m so excited to see her develop into a badass. I think a lot of you forget she’s a product of the people around her sheltering her and not having faith in her to handle things. You can’t change/grow up if people shelter you and don’t allows you to access the things that make you change. Notice how when she was exposed to the real world her first thought is to do what she can to fix it (ex: her brother, the nether region). Also... complaining about her puking at the sight of heads being shopped off and blood splattering everywhere... really? It’s easy to say you wouldn’t be grossed out but I know damn well I’d wanna puke too. Sure I’ve seen shows/movies with gore but it’s much easier to see fake gore than real life gore. A lot of the complaints about the mc aren’t even fair complaints.
Yes I get annoyed over oblivious characters but she wasn’t oblivious by choice, people made her that way. Even Desire said it was Juburns fault she is the way she is. She clearly is a caring mc who, upon realizing the issues in the world, wants to change them. And excuse her for having a normal reaction to blood flying everywhere?

rq... not having magic and “just being a swordsman” does make arjen weak. at all. the fact that he gave up his powers to save his sister and instead of giving up he works hard with the sword to be strong is... strong in itself. a character doesn’t need magic to be strong. I am upset after reading the spoilers and seeing he does get much development but saying he’s lesser than his sister because she can use magic and he can’t is annoying. he already said earlier in the story he didn’t care about magic and wanted to take up the sword. ANYWAY can someone confirm if he really get forgotten in the story? I usually love reading about a female mc but not when it was originally a story about brother and sister and one character gets forgotten.
also kinda weirded out about the fact that supposedly she gets with her guardian...? he’s like at 3x her age (seems more like 4x but who knows since no one looks their age in this story). i understand she has the mindset of a 25 year old but she still has the appearance of a five year old and they put on an act of children. so like he thought of himself as a guardian figure until she reaches an appropriate age and all the sudden feelings start developing? idk i feel like it’s a little weird Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

Okayyyy i won’t lie... disappointed and I might comment later with a rant explaining my disappointment when I’ve collected my thoughts. Just to put the things I’m most disappointed in really quick: after the time skip in an attempt to finish at 139 chapters, things felt rushed. Due to it feeling/being rushed I wasn’t able to connect to the new characters introduced, which meant I wasn’t able to connect to the story going on either. I also felt like pre-time skip characters were all forgotten about a little which made me sad (ESPECIALLY Historia). Anyway that’s my overall biggest points that led to me feeling disappointed.

There were a lot of plot points prior to the time skip that were just kind of left on the back burner and then with the introduction of Marley, I felt like It was too much? Everyone had an agenda and then eren was just like “lol well if I kill myself with 80% of the people, the last of y’all can figure It out”

i have no issue with romance being in the plot (i love it if it’s properly written), I also don’t think Tess will cause issue because she’s really strong herself (assuming she’s the main love interest btw). My issue here is the author has written flat female characters.
Sure Tess is strong, Kath has a lot of potential to be strong, etc... but being strong doesn’t mean anything if your character has no personality. I wouldn’t wanna read a story with a mc who had no personality and was only strong, thats just boring. There’s so much that could be done with these characters, especially Tess, but the author isn’t doing justice to their potential. I loved Tess when she was first in the picture, but now she’s become kinda boring. The other love interest have always been boring which is why I loved Tess the most because she didn’t have the typical “sweet” girl thing, she wasn’t a cliche princess, her and Art would butt heads, she was energetic, didn’t put up a front to impress people, etc... but the author has completely gotten rid of the things that made her a likable character. It’s sad because I don’t wanna watch her turn into a snobby, jealous character who won’t even speak her mind... it’s not the same Tess that was in the start of the book and it’s disappointing.
The issue a lot of people have with romance being in action isn’t the fact that there’s a romance sub plot, it’s the poorly written love interest(s) and the poorly written romance plot. Sure some people just don’t like romance, and that’s completely fine, but a lot of people confuse the dislike for poor writing for dislike with romance. I was in full support of Tess and Art having a romance subplot, but her character is becoming disappointing and the romance plot line is becoming disappointing. The female love interest is given the typical keep my feelings to myself, get jealous when I have no right, damsel in distress role and the mc ends up having to do something that puts himself or his plans in jeopardy to save her. I’m so sick of authors writing in female lover interests who have a flat character and are only their to add to/show how “great” the mc is. If your mc can’t be properly portrayed without the need for flat characters to show how great they are... you need to work on your character writing.
I love the plot for this, so far love the mc, i did love Tess... but i’m disappointed in the authors ability to write characters. They’re all pretty flat character honestly, aside from the mc (even he doesn’t have much complexity going on). I’m going to continue in the hopes that the characters are given more personality and the romance subplot turns out to be written fine because I genuinely love the plot for this and wanna know what happens next. I just really hope it doesn’t turn into a horrible romance subplot because honestly as long as it’s written fine you can just read through and not pay it much attention (if you don’t like romance), but when it’s written poorly it ruins the story. It’s still too early for me to judge so I’m gonna continue reading, just sharing my opinion after the comments I saw.

I feel like I agree but like the person who rote “the cherry blossoms after ” lol she learns from her poorly writte story though it was great so maybe the author is trying there best and when they look back they May be saying “ohh this was not as great as I thought back then” or something like that, they learn from their mistakes and makes they a better author pls no hate :)
“You’re getting our hopes up and then deleting them wah wah” “we’re behind on chapters” 1) It’s a story, it’s not the end of the world if you have to wait a few more days. 2) You have no right to complain that people translating a story you’re reading for free aren’t doing it fast enough.
You all owe some respect to these translators. They don’t have to do this, so stop complaining over stupid things like a false chapter upload or whatever. The only person you can be mad at is the people uploading over a group who’ve already claimed this story.