Manuii created a topic of Shamed, Thanks To You

lmao i can tell this is gonna be just then having sex lol. But il read it cuz i like story's when the couple are already together/things without angst

Manuii created a topic of My High School Romance

main couple is so fucking cute i loved every bit of them, the black hair dude thats paired with ml's brother reminds me of he tian from 19 days lol hes fine as hell. I hated the 3rd couple of the pink and yellow hair dude-

blonde dude is soooo fine. I love when authors make their characters attractive by their personality. Like bro's drawn really nicely but the way he acts/the things he does makes him attractive, it doesn't seem forced(?). Idk how to explain it.

Manuii created a topic of The Demon Leader's Lover

so i seriously NEVER end up liking the second ml, but idk why the black hair brother(assuming he is the 2nd ml) doesn't seem so bad...

Manuii created a topic of Devil on the crossroad

shedam you motherfucker i knew smt was off about yo ass

Manuii created a topic of Love Me Divinely

lmao all the comments calling mc's friend pinky is too funny

derrick i hate you sm but i know ur under the light pink hair bitch's spell UGHGHGHH

Manuii created a topic of Single Not Ready to Mingle

yeol ur a bitch but ur story is sad so ur less of a bitch now, ur dad is fine as hell tho

Manuii created a topic of Salty Lust
Manuii created a topic of CUFFED!

its kinda sorta obv he joined cuz hes trying to maybe find out who bullied his brother? Or something to do with needing information on his brothers case that u can only access as a police officer. I know its part of the plot for misunderstandings like these but come on mc....

Manuii created a topic of Flashlight


Manuii created a topic of Ginmokusei: The Tailor Shop

dk bout yall but i like short hair better hahahah. Also this author man idk how they do it but their characters (especially the ml's) are so charismatic. Like bro's making me blush and all they doing is hugging. I noticed this when i read this and all their other works as well, it doesn't even come down to the artsyle idk i think its the eyes they look so intense for some reason (in a good way).

Manuii created a topic of Perfect Leash

bro i was expecting some messed up story (im at ch 9) but why are they i insane? i think they fit each other well?

Manuii created a topic of Imprinted (Bohyeol)

mc looks like hes high lmao

i like blondie tbh but if mc loves the king then il root for him, I do think that the mc and king hav better chemistry/a better dynamic then blondie and mc

literally my fav gl ever, ive read this like 1000 times-

Manuii created a topic of Jinx

bro i literally cant bring myself to read this story but i skip to chapters of pinky and potato they look good together lol

Manuii created a topic of Want to Sell Me Your Body?

that was too fast i need a chapter of them moving in together, blondie leaving the dept place, and then getting married :(((