some of yall rlly cant read between the lines. This isnt really a sweet type of story where they are gonna outright say "i love you", i mean for once the 2 grown ass men in bl are actually acting like 2 grown men lmao. But besides that its obvious they love each other i mean...them talking about how hot it is and blaming everything they do on it? the heartbeat sounds? illic calling him sayan? They love each other lol. They have been together for 10 years now an "i love you" wont do much for them, its the actions that show it.

i completeley agree with you, but with the idea that most of us interpret them two to be in love what frustrates me rn is that there's also technically the interpretation also that he is not in love and it could also be correct because the author themselves confirmed the story's ending is up to interpretation if he fell in love or not w the duke

UHM i just read the novel, uptill ch 14 cuz thats all that was available for free and this is fucked. The uke raped seme in the past but uke doesnt remember, but the shit seme does to uke is ACTUALLY CRAZY. He has blown revenge out of proportion. Literally felt like throwing up when i read the novel.

this my opinion , but I feel like if the seme was done with his revenge at end , he should have just throw the uke away , the keeping him locked and raising him as pet , when the uke obviously is mentally broken down was just too much
I feel like unfortunaly the uke actually had or have feeling for the seme during their middle school but cuz his internalized homophobia and the seme femmine apperance and the uke shtty personality , he went about it in bad way to do what he did to the seme , but all that unforgivable , so he should have just got rid of the uke after breaking him in end
I would rather the uke end up in jail or mental facility then be locked away and be treated like sub human, the seme even bath the dog and smile at it and glare at the uke , the uke would restore to self harm just to get the seme to treat him with some affection and show that he not mad at him.
if the seme got back at the uke and both them already done each other bad , then they should have just went their seperate way , I hope this webtoon change the ending in that manner , let the uke be admited into mental facility or go to jail for his crimes but I hope his life not be eternal torture

idk why but their relationship doesnt seem one-sided to me. I mean this chapter bro was thinking about things at the festival and always thought back to silver hair.
ex. when the prince and his gf were holding hands he mentioned how silver hair couldnt do that because his partner is...? HIM. In a way he envy's them holding hands u can tell by his face tbh
ex. when he was feeling hot and in general thought about stuff to do at the festival, he imagines them all with silver hair, the fireworks.
ex. his ears turning red when silver hair kisses him
ex. him saying he doesnt hate what silver hair does, he wholeheartedly doesnt hate it too cuz he had no voice saying 'fuck you" or smt like that in his head
this is lit just stuff from this recent chapter alone yall gotta read between the lines sometimes illic isnt the type to stright up say i love you (he was like this with the girl before he met silver hair too)

In the novel, the one sided Ness was more in the beginning. Toward the end and more into the side stories, he accepts the king but doesn't wholeheartedly believe the king truly loves him until later. It's one of those ending where you don't really know if illic truly loves the king and that's why he stuck around because he never answered it in the end lol

i think they are handling it differently in the manhwa. In the novel his feelings are wishy washy but i mean u can tell just by looking at subtle things that illic likes the duke, im also 100% sure illic knows duke loves him. There was a scene where i think they were doing it or smt and illiac was blushing at how the duke was looking at him, eyes full of love

Ya'll don't know anything about Pavlovian responses and how being forced to be around around someone for 10 years can really change how you mentally view that person lol
Also, Illic was only like that with that woman 'cause he didn't love her. He never loved anyone 'cause he just wanted to relieve his sexual urges with them. He wasn't looking for romance, he just wanted to get his dick wet lol
Also, ya'll are quick to forget how brutal Sa-yan has been with Illic this entire time.
They're "relationship" literally started with Sa-yan blackmailing Illic for killing a man that attempted to rape him. Proceeded to rape Illic multiple times. Threaten him some more. Kidnap him. Nearly get him killed on multiple occasions AND Sa-yan also has to fight the voice in his head that wants to basically kill Illic-- which results in him brutally fucking/basically raping the poor guy.
Yeah, my brain would be fucked, too if I had to endure that shit for a decade lol
anyone got raws?