the reason i stopped is because it started being uhh "boring"?? ish. i didnt find the appeal i used to and just ended up slowly giving up on it ~( ̄∇ ̄"~) reply
DEFIANTLY! i found myself reading the absolute most horrible shit, feeling sad but still managing to get off. it was non-con and violent, i had to read so many fluffy and lovey dovey stuff after that, it hurts me to this day. (╥﹏╥) reply
im 14 yrs old and OFC, havent. i dont know about you m8, but losing it at this age would be fucking scary as hell. aannnddd everyone answering this question is a virgin so ill have to be scrolling to find one of em ( ̄∇ ̄") reply
im a muslim. well not really, to my parents and sibling i am. im a atheist and bisexual but my mom is OVERLY RELIGIOUS. like, shes anti-LGBT and thinks wearing black clothing makes you a "demon" and the absolute dumbest stuff like "sleeping with your chest down too much can make your heart drop and die" she got that from a friend. i cant even wear SKIRTS. the entire concept of a god just sounds stupid to me, id probably get kicked out of the house if i told her the secrets