#-.-) am i the only one...everything is good in this manga... but that damn hair!!! what the hell is wrong with that ridiculously long and irritatingly messy hair... when the topic of his hairstyle came in the manga... i was really relived they will finally get that humongous gorilla off his head... but no...
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ it seems it was a bad hairdo!!! thats it!!! (OMG seriously dude the remaining time u thot u had a gorgeous hairdo??) i think its my time to get over it coz they seem to live happily ever after with that gorilla forever stuck in his head...THE END ╥﹏╥

am i the only one to think this way.. i mean when i read "if you hate me that much" by the same author. there were lots of emotions and bonds between the character. but somehow this story..from the beginning the alpha is being ignored/hated/and blamed for everything inspite he trying so hard to make the omega fall in love with him while even taking care of the child all by himself...i mean he is so dedicated. while the omega returned back to him bcos he din had no options.... Even now the sex was little sad for me.. coz the omega did it just bcos he had no other choice...he was just using the alpha...not bcos he wanted...while the alpha was brimming with joy for having him in his arms... i mean imagine if it was the other way... we all wud have hated the alpha if he had treated his omega as a liability than for love correct.....i feel so sad for that alpha...!!! just my opinion!!! dont get mad at me... like everyone i too like this story a lot... but u know... i felt like letting it out of my chest..thats all

You fucking call this love. Kureshima was just toying with Oono and for god sake grow some balls idiot!!! there was no love no equality and no feeling in this manga!!

SO TRUE. This was so controlling af. I won't wonder if it gets toxic for Oono soon. I'm actually really frustrated at how Kureshima acts like he owns Oono. In the first place he only got interested in Oono for weird reasons. That was definitely not love. Poor Oono, he woukd have been better of with that girl. He probably thinks Kureshima is a good choice since he knows his secret and is okay with it lol. Delusions of comfort.

the story line was good...had a good potential but... WTF is wrong with that hotaka guy... i get the point that he doesn't have the stock called 'emotions' stored anywhere in his warehouse....ok...i can try to forgive that... but whats up with i will sleep/fuck /kiss or break with who ever comes...'first come first serve basis' attitude??? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ when Chika broke up with him...he gave like max 10mins or may be even less than that time to hook up with this Masato guy... God... even hookers take more time to sleep with their next clients!!!!
#-.-)and i dont even want to start up with that dork Masato guy...who loves his friend for so many years in secret but goes around impregnating women out of respect?? and so happy to see his wife cheat on him to finally get a divorce...bla bla bla...and go bang his friend bcos the fuck buddy quota just opend up!!!!
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)i know i sound too paranoid.. but.. this story... is a softer version of "Hogu Hagyeongsu" (︶︿︶)
ok i just finished reading "banana fish"for straight 2 days... as i was bleeding myself profusely with blood and heartache..i thot i will try to read shoujo to lighten up my poor heart... and u wont believe guys...from an amazing feel from 5mins ago... bamn!!! changed into WTF feel in no sec!!! now i remember why i never turned back to shoujo after i entered into yoai...my mistake...sorry
oh btw....this story really sucks!!!