People cursing Maya in different languages rn. Hahahahaha. It's funny. Uggh hate her!
Hahaha also, she dug her own grave there. Bwahaha serves her right. I'm guessing Okita will win like he got inspired because Izuki likes him. Or oh come on. My heart is gonna explode if in the next chapters they won't settle with each other and make up.
I'm still concern about Tachibana too. What will happen to him? He's a nice guy too.. Reminds me of Sousuke Yamazaki wahahahahaha. Coz Err tachibana.. Anyways, they both tried so hard and then they got hurt and can't do that one thing they wanna do. Huhu it hurts to watch them in pain..

Kengou said "even before then" something like that forgot chapter and page.. When he's confronting Tokiya with Touma behind.. Then there's a panel when they're still so young. Does it mean he liked him way way back?
I just found it so sweet actually! It's not just Touma that loves him way back but also him! Imagine you love each other practically all of your lives?How sweet?!
This is getting hot. Haha!