Jaysus's feed

I hope I’m not the only one who thinks the topics and stories that are told in the works of this author are actually disturbing. Now let me elaborate. Her stories have a psychological torture thriller undertone and are always combined with romance. The thriller in the stories isn’t really what botheres me. It’s the romance. Bc the romance in those stories are often times illegal and/or abusive for example physical abuse, mental abuse, bad power dynamics etc. I’m not saying you are not allowed to tell those stories but you need to be careful how you tell them. Bc the way she does it is extremely harmful. These abusive and unhealthy relationships that the author tends to write about are romanticized and downplayed. The story often ends in the victim staying with their abuser and being so happy and at ease about that. Write about that once: okay a bit weird but okay. Write about that twice: okay this seems to be more than just a little weird. Write about that even more: you are a fucking weirdo. What the fuck are you doing. Like as an author you want to tell your audience something, you might even teach them something and with stories like these you teach them that those kind of relationships are okay. But they are not!
It is not okay to date your student as a teacher (the power dynamic is already unfair to begin with), It’s not okay to cross someone’s boundaries, it’s not okay to manipulate and abuse someone, it is not okay to have a relationship with a family member. I can go on but I don’t want this to be too long.
My point is that these stories are not okay to be written the way they are, these stories portray a false kind of okay and can lead to damaging people’s perception of right and wrong. If you agree and have anything to add please do so and if you don’t agree tell me and we can have a mature discussion about it. Thanks!