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Juu December 9, 2024 3:04 pm

I hope I’m not the only one who thinks the topics and stories that are told in the works of this author are actually disturbing. Now let me elaborate. Her stories have a psychological torture thriller undertone and are always combined with romance. The thriller in the stories isn’t really what botheres me. It’s the romance. Bc the romance in those stories are often times illegal and/or abusive for example physical abuse, mental abuse, bad power dynamics etc. I’m not saying you are not allowed to tell those stories but you need to be careful how you tell them. Bc the way she does it is extremely harmful. These abusive and unhealthy relationships that the author tends to write about are romanticized and downplayed. The story often ends in the victim staying with their abuser and being so happy and at ease about that. Write about that once: okay a bit weird but okay. Write about that twice: okay this seems to be more than just a little weird. Write about that even more: you are a fucking weirdo. What the fuck are you doing. Like as an author you want to tell your audience something, you might even teach them something and with stories like these you teach them that those kind of relationships are okay. But they are not!
It is not okay to date your student as a teacher (the power dynamic is already unfair to begin with), It’s not okay to cross someone’s boundaries, it’s not okay to manipulate and abuse someone, it is not okay to have a relationship with a family member. I can go on but I don’t want this to be too long.
My point is that these stories are not okay to be written the way they are, these stories portray a false kind of okay and can lead to damaging people’s perception of right and wrong. If you agree and have anything to add please do so and if you don’t agree tell me and we can have a mature discussion about it. Thanks!

    Joyboy December 12, 2024 7:50 pm

    Honestly I whole heartedly disagree with you on this. I can respect and appreciate why u wrote this but this definitely doesn’t down play or romanticize anything. The whole point of these is to dabble and full plunge into the macabre. The author wants u to have twisted feelings abt what the “romance” is. I’ve seen gl manwhas down play abuse for instance “bad thinking diary” and honestly anything that author writes THATS downplaying and Romanticizing abuse and SA. I think in my opinion these stories want you to understand how fucked up these romantic interests are and then still find urself wanting them to end up with the MC, and then having to come to grips with how fucked up that is. And how much conflict that causes for the MC. If u read bad thinking diary come back and tell me if u still think this story and THAT story both infantalizes abuse and SA and the macabre in the same way. Bc I think this story doesn’t do it “bc it’s sexy” or whatever but to tell an intentional story

    Jaysus December 14, 2024 5:19 pm
    Honestly I whole heartedly disagree with you on this. I can respect and appreciate why u wrote this but this definitely doesn’t down play or romanticize anything. The whole point of these is to dabble and ful... Joyboy

    Thanks for replying to my comment. And I agree with what you said about „bad thinking diary“ and I think that the abuse in that story are not okay and the way it’s written is also very problematic.
    And I can also agree with you that the intention of these stories are to portray twisted and questionable stories but with all the comments I see under these stories it’s sadly absolutely not happening. Maybe it’s not the authors fault but the readers? Because the readers romanticize and glorify the characters and their actions.
    And I agree with your point I really do. Bad thinking diary and these stories don’t infantalize abuse and sa in the same way, yes. But they both still do it. One being way more problematic than the other.
    I also feel like the awareness of the readers that these stories ARE problematic is missing bc almost nobody really thinks about these stories critically to fully understand the problematic aspects, the twisted choices etc.
    you made me think about my words and opinion and maybe it was false to say that the author is at fault, maybe it’s better to say that the reader is at fault, or both, or neither?

    towriteloveinherarms December 19, 2024 7:59 pm

    you kinda right but also we have our own decision if we want to continue reading it or not we have a choice there’s thousands of gl out there that isnt toxic like this one we can also unfollow the works of this author, my point we have a choice if you don’t like it don’t read it i think this kind of go genre are for people like me who likes this kind of gl genre

Juu July 15, 2021 8:33 am

Bruh what did she just say?!

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