Is what most of you all are doing. I don't think I'd go on a major vendetta type hunt for the culprit, but it IS a big deal, and super gross to get that on you. Besides the legitimate big 'ick' factor, it's a health risk - If he had even a small cut on the hand that accidentally touched it, he could then have transferred any potential bugs contained in it to his bloodstream. I don't get why everyone treats his reaction as this monumental overreaction....

They started this making it seem like whatever relationship they'd had as children was brief and over long long before, so I thought their relationship would be able to develop in a satisfactory way. Instead, they keep showing snippets of a truly brotherly relationship when they were young, and it's weirding me out. I have read enough to be invested, but am kinda regretting starting this.

I'm not going to claim this is a phenomenal manga, but it's really not as awful as people make it out to be. They're both scarred by the death of the sister, and do some weird stuff because of it.
Honestly, the premise of the twins both having loved the same man, and all the guilt associated with the circumstances, could make for a phenomenal story if expanded out and done well.
I thought it seemed odd there was a rape warning on chapter 5, and wondered if the group just hadn't put it on earlier chapters and decided they should start. Little did I know about the serious jump in depravity. Wish I'd had an inkling.