you may not like rape or forced sex but guess what this is not real life this is MANGA , it's fiction , if you can't even know the difference between those two then this is not the right place for you , and you should go search for more realistic genre of art , this is only fantasy and I like it , I also like shota and incest genre cuz they are all fiction not real , and just cuz I like mangas that have those doesn't mean I will like real stories that like this ... so if you don't like it go away and leave other's to enjoy the manga in peace .
Mangas like these perpetuate the idea that rape is not a big deal, that it's ok to rape. They romanticize rape and tell all the boys and girls who read these stories that it is ok to love a rapist. Rape is ALWAYS a big deal, it doesn't matter if this is a work of fiction or not. Would you be ok with a love story about someone who gets beaten by their lover and the author treats it like it's perfectly acceptable? It's the same thing.
It's genuinely disgusting to see so many mangakas be so ready to romanticize rape. The work may be fiction, but the people writing it are real, and their dismissal of sexual assault is horrible.
Can't wait until rape stops being cool in manga.
would someone who over sensitive to just anyone touch , be able to stay faithful to his lover ?
Well, if you look back to the first chapter Megumi gets in a fight with a couple guys and all things considering was hangling himself fine, and he did headbutt Souji before when he was pushing his luck before the confession. I think if anybody else tried something he'd fight them off. He just let's Souji get away with murder so it makes him look weaker than you'd think. Megumi might be weak to touch, but he doesn't let just anyone touch him. If he wasn't picky he wouldn't have been wotking so hard to avoid everybody.
the black hair guy will end up being blackmailed by the blond guy , the black hair guy will end up giving in to the pleasure and have sex many time with the blond guy which is different from what he been doing only one night stand , and the guy with maybe brown hair at the begining would be heart broken then he will meet the blond guy and the blond guy will let the brown hair guy to peek on them while they have sex " black & blond guy " the brown hair guy will be more heart broken but he gonna give up on his love for the black hair guy and know it's not worth it .
I find the story to be disappointing and basic , also the drawing is kind rough and not to my liking .
as to where you can find the Raws , I downloaded it .
i have to say... you did nice work with the explaination....
I think she is female not male cuz he have ovaries not balls , and ovaries/womb = period = female , I don't understand why she doesn't have breasts , normally those who have vagina have breasts as well cuz of female hormones .
He/She's clearly intersex so their sexual organs aren't 100% one only sex
I think you sound more stupid , men don't have periods and can't get them , so if she have period mean she have womb and ovaries mean she produce eggs every month , mean she can get pregnant , mean you are stupid if you think she anything other then female . . she should just get hormone treatment and repair surgery and remove her dick and bamm she became full female /end
they are not a male nor a female, the I in the LGBTQIA stands for intersex. it's real. and there is nothing wrong with it.
Sex or gender, it doesn't matter, neither of them is binary. Even most scientists believe so.
Also if we really have to choose, he is definitely a man, because he wants to be a man and is clearly upset with his female functions/organs.
Also, there are men who get periods and such, saying they must be female if they do, is very transphobic. Which I think is especially unacceptable from someone who finds joy in reading about homosexual relationships.
Please be more open-minded.
i mean some are born like this even this guy
if you scroll down the comments in that page , you would see the guy identify as gay man , he doesn't have breasts , he only eject from his penies , he doesn't get periods , he over all can't get pregnant ... so that person is 100% male and he can get surgery and fix that part and he can live his life as male with no probelm he also said that he can get girl pregnant that's 100% proof that he not biologically female and can't be even if he have full looking vagina if he doesn't produce female hormones and mature like female breast englagerd + periods then he not female .. you can never be both female and male at same time .
Hi! I think you should read this manga so you'll become more aware that there are people struggling between two genders the moment they were born. Since they only make up a very small part of the population, only a few people are aware of their circumstances and these people tend to hide because they know people like you will not understand. People with these cases are also seen participating in the olympics. Anyway, READ THIS MANGA OR SEARCH THE INTERNET. BE MORE AWARE.
There is an I in the LGBT+ community, we just don't write it, because there are many other letters like P, Q, A and as I said I. Please educate yourself before you say wrong stuff on the Internet, you might regret it later.
I know this manga is meant to be a litttle fucked up but calling him she is fucked up too. At least the Seme called him a guy (which the Uke seems to prefer).
It's a guy not a girl. And as for the biological stuff and anatomy of him, the author didn't make anything too clear. Can he even get pregnant? Who knows.
Even if he is biologically more female it still doesn't make him a girl.
Im the A and the Q in LGBTQIA, and the P actually. And you, you are incredibly uneducated and are expressing some extremly harmful, rude and insensitive bullshit. Google for fucks sake. This is not a matter of opinion, this is fact and you are wrong!
And also, "this is not mental issue /.../ so they don't really relate to the LGBT community in any way"
Did you really just say that? Did you actually really just claim that LGBT equals mental issues? What the actual fuck!!!
@sakurakou you really shouldn't insult others when you're the one who doesn't have their facts straight. Simply googling or doing any kind of research after the first person commented would have saved you from your display of ignorance :/ in any case, even your retort is invalid cuz LGBT is just the shortened version of the community cuz it would impractical to list all of them in the acronym. So yeah, since the I stands for Intersex and since the MC from this is part of that category, 1) it does relate to the LGBTQ+ community 2) he is neither male nor female because there are other sexes/genders (ever wonder why questions that ask for gender sometimes have 3 options? Male, female, OTHER) 3) sex is not equivalent to gender and neither are binary 4) you are honestly rather ignorant and misinformed about this topic and I highly encourage you to research more
Holy shit why do you even read yaoi? Lmfao if someone identify as male or female respect their wishes. Did he say he was a woman? Clearly he did not. The Uke is ashamed of that part of him. You can't just assume the gender of someone just because of what's down there. Oh there's a vagina or penis they HAVE to be male or female. No wtf, and I'm in A in the lgtbq nor am I cis. And gender does not limit to only two sex.
As a Yarichin Bitch Club fan, I am very ashamed that you have a picture of Yuri as your photo, tsk tsk---shame on you m8...
He is whatever he wants to be considered, called, and *respected* as. Given what clues we have from the manga, biologically intersex, otherwise completely seems to identify as male.
Biologically, he is neither male or female. Even if he seems like he has more female parts, he is still intersex because he *does* naturally have male parts as far as we know. This is a chromosomal/biological difference. Hence, he is intersex.
What pronouns you should use for people, however, should be up to them to decide. He seems to prefer being known as a male. It's very quite simple.
that black cat is so slutty , I hate girly slutty ukes but he was so cute so I overlooked it :3
You DO realize Shingo is a werecat right? Animals are "sluttier" than humans because sex to them is the instinctual everyday need. Cats especially. There's no such thing as "sluttiness" in the animal world.
Sluttiness is created by humans to label other humans ( ̄へ ̄)
like the real reason we reject incest logically because of the congenital diseases that can acure from it , but if the people involved in it from same gender then having children is not possibility so their no reason to reject two brothers or two sisters having such relationship ... off course this my own opinion and other's don't have to agree with me .
I agree w/ this.
I know it is our society's taboo against this buy I personally don't really care about incest. Obviously against if pregnancy could occur as there are many problems that can happen to the baby due to incrst but in cases such as same sex for example I truly do not see the problem? Idk just me though
Well personally, when it comes to fav sub-genres in yaoi incest is my favs of all favs however I would feel a great discomfort in real life if sisters or brothers are having such a relationship. Fictional is okay for me real life is something that should never ever ever ever and I mean ever happen oh Yh and I dislike dad X son type of incest kind of puts me off but that's just me though.
I think a lot of it also has to do with power dynamics because most cases of incest that we hear of are an older person grooming, molesting, and raping a much younger person. So I think this is the actual reason. So yes siblings can have this relationship, but most of the time it isn't a "relationship," but sexual abuse. I only know of one case in Germany (where incest is illegal) where siblings started a family by their choice, but the sister was mentally handicapped so it's still questionable. All their children ended up with mental and physical disabilities too so it was a sad situation. In the end I think incest relationships that are truly mutual are very rare.
I get what you're saying, and totally respect your opinion, but i just can't with incest. Even if there's no children-making involved, the thought of wanting to fuck someone who shares your genes is really really strange to me. I don't really have a problem with it when it comes to fiction, it's not real so do whatever you want. But if someone i know told me they had sex with their sibling i would be very grossed out tbh.
Yup I feel the same, if it's fictional I have no problems with it whatsoever cause I just see two lovely people in love but also the main point is cause it's not real it's pure fiction. But if is real life I'd feel so disgusted, how can u sleep with someone from your own blood and yikes.
I will agree with that. A man once wrote to dear abby that he and his twin brother were in love and in a relationship and she made that exact same point. Since they could not have children, and they were in love, it was no problem. He was wondering what to say to people about the two of them never dating or getting married (they were keeping their love a secret) and she told him to simply tell others, they are happy being single and rooming together and that was that.
there are two other reasons incest is considered taboo
a lot of incest IRL is just an older family member taking advantage of a younger family member (i.e. sexual abuse)
incest leads to an imbalance in family dynamics
we love you so much.