Does anyone have a clue when chapter 12 is going to be published? Maybe which month? Oh and also: I don't know why everyone hated Keiichi! But I agree, there should be an event in which he expresses his love for Shingo, not as an object, but as an action.

I read in a comment somewhere around here that ch 13 will be that last of this vol? Anyone knows anything?
If is the last... I don't know what to say, they have so much to work out. I belive a ch is to short. (after all the drama)
I'm looking forward for Shingo confession and Keiichi explanation about his behavior. And maybe some clear air with that Angelo

O.o When is this going to update? It's almost been a whole year! Do any of you VF fans out there know where the next chapter is? Maybe in a different site? If you do know, Thanks (=・ω・=)

28 April 2016 is the most likely date for the Japanese update of Pray in the Abyss, however this has not been confirmed.

They probably voted you annoying because the question has been asked and answered at least twenty times already on this board.
Was there any reason why you didn't check before you asked?
When??? When are they going to do it?? ヽ(`Д´)ノ